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Take Action to Freee Junichi and Toru, Pro-Whale Activists

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De: Jacques Fortier <>

Objet: [Fwd: Thanks! And more help needed to free whale activist]

À: "béate"

Date: dimanche 22 Juin 2008, 11 h 29

-------- Message d'origine --------

Sujet: Thanks! And more help needed to free whale activist
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 08:42:14 -0500 (CDT)
De: Greenpeace <>
Répondre-A: <>
A: "Jacques Fortier" <>

ACTION ALERT: Activists arrested
Demand their release

Dear Friends,

Thanks for taking action to free Junichi and Toru, the pro-whale activists who have been arrested in Japan for exposing the truth about corruption in the taxpayer-funding whaling programme.

You generated 50,000 responses within 36 hours.

Junichi and Toru appeared in court this morning. They're holding up well, despite being called villains in much of the press. The judge ordered them held for another ten days without charges. We're appealing that tomorrow morning, and our lawyer has told us that your letters are a big help in making the case for letting them go.

You've written already to the Japanese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. We're asking you now to do something more:

  • Send this message to five friends
  • Post a link to the action in your Skype or instant messenger:
  • Post a link in your MySpace or Facebook account, at your blog or website: ask your friends to do the same.
  • Create a YouTube video or come up with your own way to get more people joining the call to FREE THE TOKYO TWO
Every message that we send in the next 12 hours will be counted and presented to the judge with our appeal. Please help in any way you can!

The Greenpeace whale team

P.S. There are additional material here for bloggers.

P.P.S. If our appeal fails, we'll need to keep the pressure up for at least the next ten days as Junichi and Toru prepare for the next hearing. Check the Greenpeace website for updates.



and fromFW10:

Navy Held Firing Tests Near Dolphin Stranding

June 12, 2008 12:50 PM

May 12, 2008 LONDON - The Royal Navy carried out live-firing exercises off Cornwall just hours before 25 dolphins died by stranding themselves in a nearby river, the Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday. As initial autopsies suggested the dolphins might have been scared or disorientated, MoD officials said training exercises with a submarine and survey ship using sonar had also been held in Falmouth Bay. MoD officials said the exercises were "highly unlikely" to have been the cause of the deaths, Britain's biggest mass stranding for nearly 30 years. Campaigners called for an urgent inquiry into any possible connection. The dolphins died after swimming up the Percuil River near Falmouth on Monday morning despite marine experts, wildlife volunteers and vets battling all day to save them. » read more
