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Jim Babka

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We had another message planned for this morning, but now we need URGENT ACTION on another issue.

The House is about to vote on a so-called FISA and telecom immunity compromise. The news is not good for the Fourth Amendment.

Oh, if only we had the Read the Bills Act. We haven't seen the compromise bill yet (it was just  filed and we just learned about it at 11:45 AM Eastern -- while I'm writing this message). So I can't give you the details of this bill because it could be rushed to a vote by tomorrow (not the seven days Congress should wait after reading a bill).

We don't even have a bill number yet. But here's why we must act now. If this compromise bill ...

  • Budges even a bit off of the House version of the bill (which was already a barely acceptable compromise)...
  • Is something the Bush Administration thinks it can live with
  • Is being promoted because certain Democratic members are afraid of looking "soft on terrorism," with elections just months away
  • Then it's not a compromise we can live with.

And, from what we know, this new bill is all of the above things.

We've been writing about this issue for months. Let's not lose at the last moment. Action is needed NOW!

First, please, right now, send a message to your members of Congress.

  • Tell them you know that, in addition to the terrible grant of immunity, this bill will eviscerate constitutional privacy protections found in the Fourth Amendment.
  • And let them know that you are aware that Republican and Democratic administrations will be able to SPY ON AMERICANS' international telephone calls and emails, without a warrant.
  • And set them straight on the fact that this new bill will punch the tissue-paper thin FISA Court protections full of holes, like Swiss cheese.

Second -- and this is vital -- if your member of House appears on the list below my signature, you should call them. Once you're logged in to send a message at, you'll see your Representative's contact info, including the phone number. PLEASE USE IT. 

A vote is likely tomorrow. PLEASE SEND YOUR MESSAGE NOW. AND PLEASE CALL IMMEDIATELY if you see your Representative on the list below. Tell them you're tired of being "scared out of your rights." Tell them you expect them to show some courage, because this so-called compromise bill is a bigger threat to our American way of life than terrorism is.

Thanks for your immediate action,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

Here's a list of REPUBLICANS that we believe we have the best chance of swaying our direction.

* Bartlett - MD  

* Bishop - UT

* Cubin - WY   

* D. Young - AK

* David Davis - TN 

* Duncan - TN

* Ehlers - MI

* Flake - AZ

* Garrett - NJ

* Gilchrest - MD

* Gillmor - OH

* Inglis - SC

* Issa - CA

* Jones - NC

* Kingston - GA

* Kirk - IL

* Mack - FL

* Manzullo - IL

* Marchant - TX

* Moran - KS

* Paul - TX

* Poe - TX

* Rehberg - MT

* Rohrabacher - CA

* Sali - ID

* Stearns - FL

* T. Johnson - IL

* Tom Price - GA

* Upton - MI

* Walberg - MI

* Wamp - TN

* Westmoreland - GA

* Whitfield - KY

Here's a list of Blue Dog DEMOCRATS. The Blue Dogs are the Democrats most scared of looking "soft

on terrorism" {a.k.a., too liberal).

* Baca - CA 

* Barrow - GA 

* Bean - IL  

* Berry - AR 

* Boren - OK

* Boswell- IA

* Boyd - FL

* Carney - PA 

* Cooper - TN

* Cramer - AL

* Davis - TN

* Ellsworth - IN

* Holden - PA

* Matheson - UT

* Melancon - LA

* Moore - KS

* Pomeroy - ND

* Ross - AR

* Shuler - NC

* Space - OH

* Tanner - TN

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