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Stand Against Liberal Censorship

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Executive Vice President

Media Research Center


Only days ago, I sent you a message about important news that the media are simply not covering.  A bill that would ban the Fairness Doctrine, called the Broadcaster Freedom Act, is being prevented from getting to the House floor by liberal leadership in Congress.

       I'm thrilled that you took immediate

       action by signing your name to our national petition to

       demand Congress to take action on this bill and bring

       it to a vote on the floor of the house.

Since launching our petition just a few days ago, 24,634 citizens have added their name to our petition calling for Radio Independence, and freedom from government censorship!

This is indeed a great start, but I must tell you our success will depend on our actions over the next number of days, and I'm specifically counting on you, Patrick, and other members of our MRC Action Team.

++ Radio Independence on July 4

Congress will be breaking for the Fourth of July holiday at the

end of June. That means we have less than two weeks to get the

Broadcaster Freedom Act from committee to the House floor for a vote!

To make the kind of impact we need to move this bill, I need you to help me rally an additional 50,000 citizens over these next two weeks!

          Forward this message to everyone on your personal

          emailing list, and urge them to follow your lead by clicking

          here to sign our petition:

With your continued support, I believe we can force members of Congress to bring this bill to a full floor vote before July 4--but again, it starts with you.

Patrick, forward this message DIRECTLY to your friends and family, and give them an opportunity to fight for the conservative voice by signing our petition. And be sure to let them know what is at stake if they don't take action...

Together let's demand Radio Independence!

Thank you for standing with the MRC on this vital issue.

Douglas C. Mills

Executive Vice President

Media Research Center

P.S. Only one area of the media is not controlled by the liberals, and it is up to you and me to keep the radio free from censorship. I am counting on you to help stimulate a powerful grassroots move demanding Radio Independence Day by forwarding this message to your friends and family and urging them to sign our petition by clicking here: