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Impeachment not Immunity

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House "Democratic" Leader Steny Hoyer doesn't understand the meaning of NO.

On March 14, we won a huge victory when the House voted 213-197 for a bill to strengthen FISA without providing immunity for Bush and the telcos who illegally spied on millions of Americans without a warrant. Thanks to your lobbying efforts - including over 58,000 petitions! - just six Bush Democrats voted for immunity.

Even Steny Hoyer voted against immunity. But Hoyer kept conspiring with Bush to sneak immunity through Congress when no one was watching. And on Friday, Hoyer quietly announced a new bill to provide retroactive immunity for past warrantless wiretapping and allow new wiretapping for six more years.   (Some of the congress people are addle brained and not working for WE THE PEOPLE.  It's time to tell them to go to HELL where they belong anyway.  Please sign this petition and then send an email to Hoyer and tell him he is TRASH and will be treated as  such!)

So it's time for us to tell Congress once again that we will not tolerate warrantless wiretapping by George Bush or any other President, and we demand full accountability for George Bush through impeachment. Our last wiretapping petition sent over 58,000 emails to Congress - let's see if we can double that number to over 100,000.

Wiretapping: Impeachment Not Immunity - Sign the Petition

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