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Progress for the Army

Jim Babka

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You are part of a growing Downsize DC Army. It hasn't been built in a day. It's been built methodically, soldier-by-soldier.

Each month your voice grows stronger. We now have 23,100+ subscribers to the Downsizer-Dispatch -- and that's a hard-core, intense, and effective force. How intense?

* Your army of DC Downsizers averaged 46,233 messages to Congress/per month for the first five months of this year (more than two messages per subscriber).

* In February you set a record with 51,390 messages to Congress.

* And here in June, you're on track to break that record. This morning we're already at 23,964 messages (and phone calls beside).  

Congress is hearing Downsize DC! And your efforts are creating buzz. This week, I've done four radio interviews promoting and I'll do my fifth this afternoon on Jerry Hughes (details below my signature) -- double what I usually do in a week.

But we stepped out on a limb, of late. Our opposition to the tax and spend, cap and trade bill cost us some subscribers. So too did our involvement in a national call-in day for dialogue with Iran and our new campaign for a national referendum about continuing U.S. troop presence in Iraq (we got the usual venomous messages about "cutting and running").

Frankly, I don't understand people leaving the Downsize DC Army because they disagree with ONE of our campaigns. No one is required to send messages when they disagree with a given campaign. We must build a united force, and to do so, we must occasionally put aside differences yet continue work in those areas where we agree.

Even still, being principled comes with a price. But I'm pleased to announce that we still grew despite these losses!

And last month, we processed a record level of re-ocurring monthly pledges - $8,097. But even here, we cannot rest on our laurels . . .

People are beginning to feel the economic pinch. For example, this morning, I received an email from a person who has been a monthly pledger since we started. He was with us before we started -- back when we were challenging the McCain-Feingold law before the U.S. Supreme Court. He wrote,

I hate to do this... But it's getting tight for money at my house so I have to cut back. Please stop my monthly credit card contributions, but know that I still support DDC 100% and I'll be back.

And every week -- every single week -- we get messages from people who wish they could give, or give more. But they can only afford modest contributions. So for this pledger and all the other folks in our army who wish they could do more, would you please step up with a monthly pledge?

It can be a modest 17cents per day ($5/mo.) or 27cents per day ($8/mo.). Our average monthly pledge is just over $15 per month. Our largest pledgers give $250/mo.

And every dollar you give in a new pledge or one-time contribution during this month will be worth two! Generous DC Downsizers have pledged to give $3,600 if others will join together to donate an equal amount. So if you contribute $5 it's worth $10, and if you give $25, it's worth $50, and if you donate $100, it's worth $200. Please strengthen the army with any financial support you can give.

And if you find yourself, like our long-time pledger, in a position so tight that even 10cents per day ($3/mo.) is beyond your reach right now, then please, go to our home page, and send a message on a campaign for which you've never sent a message.

Thank you for being part of the growing Downsize DC Army,

Jim Babka

President, Inc.  

P.S. My hour-long, Friday appearance on Straight Talk with Jerry Hughes begins at 3:05 PM Eastern time (2:05 PM Central, 1:05 PM Mountain, 12:05 PM Pacific). To listen online go to

I believe we'll be talking about Iran and Iraq today. But each week, some topic or line of questioning comes up that's really surprising to me. If you want to hear me get caught off-guard, then tune-in! You're also welcome to call-in and participate . . .

The toll-free call-in number: 1-866-222-2368

Or use email: Jerry at AccentRadio dot com

* As always, regarding media appearances, schedule changes or cancellations can happen without warning.

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