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Cory Voorhis’ Federal Pay and Benefits Must Be Immediately Restored

Frosty Wooldridge

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Via a jury of his peers, decorated ICE agent Cory Voorhis walked out of court a free man several months ago, but a man $450,000.00 in debt without his job.  His wife and kids struggle to put food on the table! 

Meanwhile, the people who put Voorhis on trial on bogus charges: Governor Ritter at $90,000.00 salary; Thomas Rogers at $125,000.00 and Stephanie Villafuerte at $125,000.00 annually—skip off to work each day without a thought to their intentional destruction of Voohris and his family. 

Who else paid?  You, the American taxpayer as federal lawyers billed us for $2 million to prosecute Voorhis.

Jury members found DHS-ICE Special Agent Cory Voorhis not guilty, but his pay and benefits have not been restored.  Why?

Local activist Sam Flack said, “In fact, in a nation where “the accused” is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a Court of Law… why did DHS-ICE suspend Voorhis’ pay and family benefits at all? Why is this mess so screwed up?  Is there personal malice afoot here?” 

The U S Civil Service Commission and the two US Senators from Colorado must do the right thing–immediately.

“DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and Deputy Secretary Julie Meyers are obligated, by US Laws and US Civil Service Rules and regulations, to ORDER the retroactive restoration action, without delay,” Flack said. “Moral Codes and Civility in our Free Republic dictate that these two leaders earnestly congratulate Voorhis, and welcome him back with open arms.  That has not happened.  Why?”

Let’s review the important details:

DHS-ICE Special Agent Cory Voorhis is fully exonerated, April 2008.


The Voorhis family cannot purchase food, pay insurance, pay the mortgage, etc.  His federal law-enforcement retirement, close at hand, is in jeopardy.  The Voorhis family is obligated to pay the remaining $450,000 legal defense costs.

Your federal government spent more than TWO MILLION DOLLARS OF YOUR MONEY to investigate, prosecute, try and convict Voorhis.  The attack failed.

“And yet Ritter appeared on the Silverman radio show, weeks after the verdict was announced, and called Cory Voorhis a criminal,” Flack said. “While the Ritter henchmen (Dreyer and group) likewise continue to ballyhoo the “guilt” of Voorhis.  What are they thinking?  Why doesn’t Ritter stop the banty-rooster act, apologize, face-to-face, and let bygones be bygones? Gross indecency, malfeasance and dereliction of duty–but why?  Misplaced pride?  Poor ethics and terrible integrity? Why retribution… and sour grapes?”

Fact is, Voorhis exposed Ritter, the former Denver District Attorney, with his pants down as he let hundreds of illegal alien drug pushers escape prosecution and deportation via ‘agricultural trespass.”  Meanwhile, the co-conspirators who brought the charges, and lost get paid, but Voorhis remains on so-called “Leave Without Pay.”  Cory’s wife and kids suffer.

U S Senators Salazar and Allard must fix this mess.

Flack brought up many more unanswered questions:

~  What about Jeff Copp (”legacy-customs”), the Denver DHS-ICE SAC (currently TDY to the Washington, DC DHS HQ)… and his Denver deputies?

~  What about the pouting ’sore-loser,’ DHS-ICE-OPR Agent Manuel Olmos?  Is it possible that he continues to investigate this case after personally blowing one of the three misdemeanor-charges trumped-up against Voorhis?  The Jury told the local media that Olmos demonstrated serious malfeasance and ineptitude.

~  Why are Chuck Lefley, Bob Cantwell, and Troy Eid… watching the Voorhis family suffer… and doing nothing?  Are their telephones broken?  They certainly did not hesitate to use their phones when the mania against Voorhis was festering.

Flack lasers in on DHS-ICE-OPR stupidity;

–  Is it possible that the DHS-ICE-OPR “legacy-Customs” stooges in El Paso and Denver and other cities…are continuing to exercise their misplaced egos as they foolishly continue to investigate and persecute those who are even remotely connected to Voorhis? 

–  Furthermore, is it possible that these junior Dick Tracy wannabees are contacting current and retired DHS-ICE troops (all “legacy-INS”) to continue the harassment? 

–  And worse, is it possible that the Katzenjammer kids in the ongoing misguided persecution are ALL so-called “legacy customs” troops…and their targets are all so-called “legacy INS” troops ?   This is not coincidence.

“O-U-T-R-A-G-E-O-U-S!” Flack yelled.  “Retribution and Sour Grapes? You Bet!”

I met Cory Voorhis.  He’s a George Washington of the 21st century. Voorhis takes action–a leader, intrepid, kind, smart, devoted and above all, dedicated to his family and the United States of America. 

He’s the kind of man you would be honored to call your friend.   You couldn’t find a finer couple in Cory and his wife.  For this destruction of an American citizen doing his job, it’s a sorry day at the state capitol where Ritter, Rogers and Villafuerte go about their six figure incomes as if nothing meant anything to them. 

As Ritter fails to enforce our immigration laws via S.B. 1023 and 500,000 illegals defy our laws in Colorado without fear, and we foot the $1.1 billion annual costs for illegals and their kids—it’s time someone stand up and speak out for Cory Voorhis.  He stood up and spoke out for you!

Support Cory:


Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border.  In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece.  He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges.  He works to bring about sensible world population balance at

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