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Bilderbergers Meet in Chantillyl, Virginia 2008

Eric Carlson

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I met some of the illuminati today along with myself and the  other 100 plus person protest outside the super secret 2008 Bilderberger meeting being held this weekend in

Chantilly VA, a few miles from Dulles Airport and maybe 30 miles from D.C.

Madeline Albright and I exchanged eye contact as she was heading into this afternoons round up of the criminal elite.

Do you think she knew I had my reptile repellant on me ?  

The 10 minutes of bull horning her name actually caused her to leave the meeting after being there just 15 minutes !

It was a who\'s who of the worlds most 200 powerful people.

I took some photos and video and will add them soon enough, but thought you all should know that

I had plenty of Orgonite with me all day and we all made history.

In 50 years of secret Bilderberg meetings there has never been a group of 100 plus bull horning them and calling them every name imaginable.

It was amazing actually that the Fairfax county p.d. let the us all make so much noise and for over 8 hours, we have to give them some credit for not stepping on our first amendment rights.

The lines were drawn though and no one was allowed onto Marriott property lest they wanted to get arrested, so we stood back along a sidewalk going up and down one edge of the grounds.

One good thing was their were no agent provocateurs to muck the protest up and everyone was really nice and not at all beated down by the Bilderberger globalist agenda.

I even met Alex Jones who was on hand to bullhorn the elite for 30 minutes at the tail end of the day. That was cool seeing him. He did let everyone know he wasn\'t a central figure in  the truth movement and that as individuals it\'s on us to share the knowledge to help people as they begin to wake up, so that was encouraging.

Most of the folks I met were chemtrail aware, some were even death tower aware and even some are aware of reptoids being the behind the scene players in the Bilderbergers

new world order agenda.

There was a lot of video taping of today, so I\'ll post the links to some of them once the film makers get their tape uploaded.

I\'m glad I was there Orgonite in hand and even though there were just 100 people or so along with me. We made a HUGE impact with our voices and our determination to not give up to their plans and most certainly disrupted their day long events.

I hope you all get a sense of how inspiring it was to be around so many like minded people who challenged evil in it\'s face today like I am.

