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The Bush Gang’s Got the Money but Can They Get Out of Dodge?

Don Hynes

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Watching Scottie grow” has become the latest soap in the day time drama of what used to be government by, for, etc. Never has a collection of the innocent from McClellan to Gonzales to Bush himself had their virtue so stained by such unambiguous trust. That they all lied to each other seems unworthy of attention but that the ultimate target is always the messenger and bury the message all are agreed.

McClellan is the first insider with Bush Deaf Con Highest Security clearance to break from the circled wagons. Arch criminal Rove declares it isn’t Scottie, just a lookalike left wing blogger. But beneath the pie throwing crudity that is the underlying character of the Bush minions, a tectonic shift is occurring. The Republican Corporate Party (not to be confused with the Democratic Corporate Party) delegated one of their true believers to drive a wedge between the puppets in power and those with their paws on the lever. If Bush goes under the proverbial bus whose bus is it and who will be left standing?

Hiding behind their flag pins and absurd canards the privileged have soaked the populace, sent their children off to die and drained the national treasury. Their corruption was debated along the fault lines of principle masked with a toxic blend of confusion, patriotism and art deco American fascism. But it has never been about principle (see duh!). It’s about money, as much of it as the octopus could drain with its body centered on Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Avenue, tentacles stretching from the Pentagon to Houston to Dubai, Baghdad and every life blood resource on the planet, sucking the proverbial well dry.

You don’t miss your water the Appalachian verse goes and missing it the people will surely be as the venality and brute theft of the Bush Gang becomes as horrifyingly obvious to the people of the United States as it has been to our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Afghanistan, New Orleans and Gaza. Our friends to the South learned in the painful way through years of dirty wars, violent CIA sponsored dictators and death squads, banana and oil coveting industrialists, to fashion a new and evolving politic, lighting the lamp of hope among the oppressed and free thinking.

Here in the USA a wisdom teacher posed this scene and question to those of us who know but seek direction:

It will be much like a town meeting:  You will be there with others and led by someone who organized the event.  Someone who facilitates or leads the meeting will ask for suggestions, directions, guidance, insights and leadership from those in the audience.  The audience may number five or six, to five or six hundred.  In a crisis as this when everyone is numbed after the physical events that they have suffered through, who will say anything? Who will come forward?  Who will raise their hands?  I am asking you to raise your hand, and say what you must say, raise your hand and say, “I know a way.” 

That day, that hour, that moment may be more starkly present in the future but it is also here and now. Individually and collectively it is time to raise our hands and provide direction. The call of leadership is not the adolescent fantasy of slashing swords and waving wands but the articulated intelligence of the dedicated heart that knows a cow pie from a garden meadow. Email and Internet are powerful tools and as yet unhindered. It’s time for a shout out brothers and sisters. Let's meet at the OK before the desperadoes escape. Let your Self be known!

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Don Hynes

Vantage Point