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Your Retirement At Risk In Iraq?

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Despite these well known problems with KBR, major retirement and pension funds continue to invest in the company. Public employee retirement systems in states including California, New York, Ohio and Texas have millions of dollars invested in a company with a horrendous track record. As shareholders, citizens have the power to change KBR's behavior.

It is time that pension and retirement funds live up to their fiduciary responsibility by holding KBR executives accountable.

Sign the petition today:

Recent hearings by the Senate Democratic Policy Committee have revealed more and more of the abuses by KBR.3 One former employee testified that 80% of the company's services in Iraq were fraudulent. Another talked of hepatitis contaminated food served to contractors. And, shockingly, but not surprisingly, the Bush administration has failed to show any interest in stopping these abuses.

This petition is just the first step in this Iraq Accountability Project. Today is the annual KBR shareholder meeting. While the investors gather behind closed doors, we must continue to insist that they do more than plot greater profits. As citizens and shareholders, it is their responsibility to hold KBR to account for its actions.

Sign the petition today to demand accountability:

Thanks for taking action


Ilya Sheyman

Online Organizer

1 boston(dot)com/news/world/articles/2008/03/06/top_iraq_contractor_skirts_us_taxes_offshore/   

2 abcnews(dot)go(dot)com/Blotter/story?id=4766673&page=1

3 democrats(dot)senate(dot)gov/dpc/pr042808.pdf