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IVAW [Iraq Veterans Against War] Seizes National Archives Building (Video)

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IVAW members seize National Archives Building on March 19th, 2008 in front of hundreds of surprised museum visitors. Response from visitors including teachers, students, vacationers was highly positive though there were a few horrified faces in the crowd. IVAW read the terms of our Citizens Arrest Warrant and stood their ground for 90 minutes. They were allowed to leave without being arrested in one of the most spectacular CD events I've ever witnessed. Next stop was the Justice Department where the call for Bush and Cheney arrest was repeated, and then the White House where similar demands were made. This action comes on the heels of IVAW's Winter Soldier Investigation: Iraq and Afghanistan, held at the National Labor College in Silver Springs, M.D. on March 13-16, 2008, where these and many other vets from the Iraq and Afghanistan war testified about their experiences. Those testimonies may be heard by visiting their link here:

Additional videos of this days spectacular events may be seen by clicking on the owners profile, or this link:

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