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Leader Hoyer Knows Where You Stand

Ilya Sheyman - TrueMajority

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y, but now he knows that he has the support of activists like you across the country to stand firm.

Yet, even as the grassroots movement of opposition to immunity grows, there are startling new revelations about the wiretapping program emerging. Just this week, we learned that the Bush Administration actually claimed the 4th Amendment simply didn't apply on American soil in cases involving terrorism.2

These abuses can't go unpunished. Can you contribute $25 today to ramp up the fight?

Your reports are a testament to grassroots activism. Here are a couple highlights:

Leslie in Lincoln City, Oregon:     

I spoke with his AA who assured me Hoyer remains firmly opposed.  He also urged me to speak with my Oregon Senators and Reps. I have previously spoken with Sen. Wyden at a town hall meeting and he agrees we should oppose retroactive immunity.

And, we very frequently saw reports like this one from George and Barberie in Derry, Massachusetts:

Everything went beautifully.  The message-taker was apparently swamped with calls.....

Together our grassroots movement of citizens is standing up to the abuses of the Bush administration. Contribute $25 keep the pressure on.

Thanks for taking action,


Ilya Sheyman

Online Organizer

