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Open Letter to the Antiwar Movement

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I'm not talking about just one day, either.... a very good friend of mine has proposed this to me on several occassions. The only way we will get their attention is if we ALL REFUSE.... and be prepared to refuse for at least a month.... this means we ALL need to refuse to go to work, REFUSE to buy ANYTHING, REFUSE to drive (buy their gas), REFUSE to use their doctors.... just plain, flat out REFUSE....

Maybe May 1 is the day we should refuse.... if ALL of us do this, they would surely sit up and take notice.... within one week, they would be falling over themselves in consternation.

.. within a couple weeks, many businesses would be railing at congress and the senate.... within a month, they would be begging us. We may see some real change coming out of congress and the senate by then.... please consider it... forward this to everyone on your list.... and see if we can use the power of the 'internets' to make some true change in this utterly corrupted government we are saddled with....

But, we must all be prepared to take this as far as we must.... we must all be resolute and stand together, for it to work. We must consider that we may have to strike for longer than a month.... I guess it's a matter of priority and what each of us is willing to do to save our once great nation...

Start your gardens... if you live in apartments, research container gardening, if you have yards... buy chickens and prepare yourself to eat them if necessary. Be prepared to barter with neighbors and friends for food and other necessities.

Is it time to scream from the rooftops... with our refusal, "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it anymore."?


In Solidarity,


NYCLAW wrote:

920-54th Street

Oakland, CA 94608

510-333-4301, FAX 510-215-2800


As a result of an important action taken at the recent International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Caucus, Longshore workers will stop work during the first shift in opposition to the war in Iraq, on May 1, 2008. They will also use this occasion to acknowledge International Workers Day to express labor solidarity concerning issues andchallenges that confront workers.

This war has cost more than 4,000 American lives and 29,000 have been seriously injured. It has been estimated that 1 million Iraqis have lost their lives, untold have been injured and 4 million have been displaced in this illegal and amoral war and occupation. The war is costing $435 million per day. So far, $526 billion has been expended on the war. The daily amount spent on the war could enroll 58,000 youngsters in Head Start or provide health insurance to 329,200 low-income children.

We're writing to ask you to contact ILWU President Robert McEllrath with a letter of support for the Longshore Caucus' resolution to use International Workers Day to "stop work to stop the war". Please ask other organizations to do the same.

Robert McEllrath, ILWU President

1188 Franklin Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

(415) 775-0533

(415) 775-1302 FAX

Your support in spreading the word of this historic action is very important.

In Solidarity,

Clarence Thomas

National Co-Chair

Million Worker March Movement
