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48 Hours to Stand with Tibet

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In the past 48 hours tens of thousands of TrueMajority members have already signed this petition calling on the Chinese government to stop the violence. Join them today and we'll deliver this petition directly to the Chinese embassy.

Click Here to Add Your Name to our Stand with Tibet Petition

President Hu Jintao of China is under mounting pressure right now to decide between a path of violence, and one that respects international human rights and will lead to peace.

We urgently need to call on the Chinese government to live up to its obligations by resolving the situation peacefully and opening up a

direct dialogue with the Dalai Lama.

The Chinese government isn't used to listening to the international community. But, the summer Olympics will provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to shine the spotlight on abuses committed by the Chinese government. Sign this petition today to stand with the people of Tibet.

The world is watching,


Ilya Sheyman

Online Organizer



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