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Oppose China's Brutal Crackdown on Tibet

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rests, and parading Tibetans in handcuffs through the streets

As the Olympics approach and the world's eyes turn to Beijing, the Chinese government is ruthlessly cracking down on Tibetan activists. The violence has gotten so bad in recent days -- with reports of dozens killed across Tibet -- that the Dalai Lama is considering stepping down as spiritual leader of Tibet to help stop the violence.

Tell Congress to stand up for Tibetans and oppose the brutal Chinese crackdown.

European leaders have been quick to condemn the Chinese crackdown -- but so far, the U.S. Government has been silent. Thanks to Bush administration actions from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib, America is no longer the human rights leader it once was. However, Congress can and should take steps to restore our moral standing in the world by speaking out now against Chinese oppression in Tibet.

Click here to send a message to your representative and senators today to speak up for Tibetan freedom.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets


Stand Up for Human Rights in Tibet


China's brutal crackdown continues, with mass killings and arrests all over Tibet. Tell Congress to speak up for the Tibetan people.