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Kill the Enemy

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This web site exists as a reminder to those in positions of power they can be held responsible for their actions by WE THE PEOPLE.

Whether someone is an elected official, a Judge appointed for life, A Banker, Corporate Executive or organizational leader, WE THE PEOPLE can hold them accountable when their actions affect the health, safety and well being of the populace.

As of March 8, 2008, it has become quite clear to those of us in the United States, that the actions of elected federal officials, the federal  reserve bankers, corporate executives and organizational leaders have set the stage for a massive economic collapse.

Through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) American politicians allowed American corporations to out source American jobs overseas to obtain higher profits through cheap labor. 

Through influence peddling by the US Chamber of Commerce, American politicians have, on four separate occasion, tried to ignore the Will of  THE PEOPLE by passing another Amnesty for the millions of illegal  aliens already inside America's borders.

Greedy speculators on the New York Mercantile Exchange have driven the price of fuel up to historic levels for no reason other than to enrich themselves.

Through grotesque overspending by the US federal government, the value of currency in the USA is plummeting versus world currencies. This devaluation of the US Dollar has caused incredible increases in the cost of living for Americans.

The sudden and dramatic increases in the cost of living has caused record levels of mortgage defaults, forcing Americans into losing their homes in foreclosure sales.

Unless these things are corrected very soon, the United States of America will collapse economically.  Millions of Americans will find themselves financially wiped out as banks fail and the government has no credit left to  make them whole. 

When that collapse happens, the names, home addresses and private, unlisted telephone numbers of a whole slew of people will appear on this web site.

The list will contain the names of federal politicians and agency appointees.  Business executives and Boards of Directors, Bankers and Commodities Traders organizational leaders and more.  Once those names appear on this list, the American people will know exactly who is to blame for their troubles and wherethose people live.

We won't shed a tear if people decide to . . . . KILL THE ENEMY