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What Ever Became of the Real ID Act?

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The battle has shifted to the states on the Real ID issue and there have been other federal battles to fight, so my show sponsor (and employer),, has been kind of quiet about Real ID. But Real ID is still an important issue that I'm (we're) tracking, and on today's show, you'll get the very best, up-to-date information from my favorite source on the subject.

If you want to send a message to Congress asking them to repeal the Real ID Act, you can do so at the website,

Also, as a homeschooling Dad, I'm concerned about some news out of California. An appeals court panel of judges ruled that there's no right to homeschool in California and that children must be trained to be good citizens by the State (no, I'm not overstating these points -- I've read the decision for myself).

And we'll have a Gun Owners' Update as well, since Gun Owners of America is my show sponsor.

Speaking of show sponsors, you can make a difference if you become one. Please contact me at the show email address if you're interested.

And that address, which we also use to take comments on air is, CALL at DOWNSIZEDC dot ORG. We ask that you type it in as it sounds because if we provide a hyperlink, spam harvesting programs will snag the address, and I'll end up with a bunch of junk in my show inbox.

However, callers come before emailers and our number is 1-800-259-9231. Please call with your excellent questions and insightful comments.

The two hour show airs starts at 3:06 PM Eastern (2:06 PM Central, 1:06 PM Mountain, and 12:06 PM Pacific). 

The best way to hear the program is on the Genesis Communications Network website.

And previous episodes are available as mp3 "attachments" to posts on our blog.

Happy Listening,

Jim Babka


Downsize DC Conference Call

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