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The Debate on Iraq Is Over - Bring OUr Troops Home !

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Bring our troops home

Tell your Senators: There's nothing left to debate. Bring our troops home!

Tomorrow, the Senate will decide whether or not two bills that would end the President's failed strategy in Iraq should make it to the floor for a vote. Both bills were introduced by Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin.

The first bill, S. 2633, would provide for the safe redeployment of US troops from Iraq within 120 days. And the second bill, S. 2634, would require a report on the global strategy of the US to combat and defeat al Qaeda. We need 60 votes to end debate and bring these important pieces of legislation to the Senate floor.

Tell your Senators: There's nothing left to debate. Bring our troops home!

The war in Iraq has already cost us thousands of lives, billions of dollars and has arguably put us in greater danger than ever before. There's no debating the President's failed strategy in Iraq. It's time to bring the troops home. Tell your Senators to allow a vote on these two important measures today.