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Abolish the IRS Day!!!!! April 15, 2008 - Protest on Tax Day!!!

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"An elimination of the IRS and the income tax would inspire more productivity and inspiration in the free market than any stimulus package ever contemplated." 
bob minarik - rochester indiana  - 2008

I'm hearing chatter in the news about the IRS being sickly because of lack of funding, a rising tide of national opposition and low morale within its ranks. 

The IRS is sick all right, but that isn't good enough.  This agency should be left to die or better yet, be killed outright!!!   Its death would be a terrific benefit to all.  Credibility would be added to an ethics starved government and the most vile, the most contemptible, the most reprehensible agency in existence in the U.S.A. today, would be eliminated. 

Even now, the bleeding hearts, who worship big government as their savior of mankind, are crying for more funding and pleading that we can't survive without an increase in the Gestapo and fear tactics that the IRS now uses to steal from the American people, but such is utter hogwash!!!!!

An elimination of the IRS and the income tax would not only inspire more productivity in the free market, it would inspire an economic boom that would eliminate the present need for government subsidies and give-a-ways.  Ironically, those give-a-ways equal the exact 43% of the expenditures of the proposed national budget that is collected from the American people as an income tax. 

Other benefits of a dead IRS and no income tax would be free and fairer elections where the IRS could no longer intimidate with threats, audits or criminal investigations, the people who donate to candidates.  Even judges, both Federal and State, would have one less agency to black-mail them to stay within the agency determined parameters when deciding cases. 

The rights of people would also be enhanced 1000%.  The people would once again be more secure in their personal papers, privacy and effects.  They would no longer be compelled to be a witness against themselves or required to take an oath against their will.  Much fear and private waste attempting to comply with an intentionally complicated Revenue Code would be flat out eliminated. And thousands of lawyers, accountants and tax preparers would have to become givers of production instead of takers of it. 

Yes, it's past time to let this thieving agency die. For certain, few would mourn it's death. To the contrary, celebration would abound as the cause of liberty would once again take a giant step forward. 

Bob Minarik

5288 N. 1000 W. Rochester, Indiana 46975


ph. 574-542-9065


             Even more reasons to Destroy the IRS!!!!


The IRS track record of abuse, arrogance, intimidation and blatant theft, clearly documents that there is no greater threat to our individual rights than the IRS. With the IRS, right or wrong doesn't matter. The winner is the last man standing with the biggest wallet. 

If our liberty is to be retained, WE, the American people, must put an end to this arrogant and abusive track record once and for all. For all Americans who value their safety, privacy and liberty, there is only one solution: 


As long as the IRS can access the names and addresses of campaign contributors, to harass and intimidate them, there can be no fair elections. 

As long as the IRS maintains a special file on federal judges, the IRS controls the federal courts and there can be no fair tax trials. 

Once information is volunteered to the IRS through tax forms, there is no personal privacy and protection "of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects," as guaranteed under the Constitution for the United States of America. 

As an American, you not only have the right, but the duty, to protect your liberty. 

Here are five steps you can take to help destroy the IRS: 


1st     Understand the extent of the problem. Verify the

        information stated above.  Go to the public library.

        Read the books "LOST RIGHTS - The Destruction of

        American Liberty" (ISBN 0-312-10351-4) by James

        Bovard, "UNBRIDLED POWER - An expose of the IRS"     (ISBN 0-887-30829-5) by Shelley L. Davis, a former IRS

        employee historian and "A LAW UNTO ITSELF - Power,

        Politics and the IRS" (ISBN 0-394-56097-3) by David


2nd     Act as master of your government and not as a

        servant subject to it. Call your congressmen and ask if

        they support the bills to abolish both the income tax

        and the IRS.  If they are not, ask why not and insist

        that they support these efforts if they want your vote.

        3rd     Make the destruction of the IRS a personal goal.  E-mail this article to others and ask them to pass it along. 

        4th     Make hard copies of this article and send it to the press and to others who will help in bringing an awareness of this internal threat.

        5th     Until we accomplish our mutual objective of

        destroying the IRS, don't forget the three basic rules

        of survival if accosted by any IRS agent for any

        reason:  1) Don't say anything,  2) Keep your mouth

        shut and  3) SHUT UP.  Insist that all inquiries made

        by the IRS be in writing.  Only you should choose the

        time and place to talk, if you want to talk at all. 

  We must build an awareness of our fundamental rights and the threat to our liberty.  Our mutual efforts will lead to a vocal public outcry.  A vocal public outcry will lead to the destruction of the IRS, the primary threat to our liberty 

History has shown that an oppression was eventually destroyed because of one woman, with intestinal fortitude, who defied unlawful authority and refused to sit in the back of the bus. 


{There can be no fair tax trials.   Due process cannot be had when judges are beholding to our adversary}

"... even if there is no showing of actual bias ... , this Court has held that due process is denied by circumstances that create the likelihood or the appearance of bias." Peters v. Kiff , 407 U.S. 493 at 502 (1971) 


{The synopsis of the system of records showing that the Treasury/IRS keeps a file on federal Judges}


System Name: 

Case Management and Time Reporting System, Criminal Investigation Division - Treasury/IRS 

Categories of Individuals covered by the system: 

Subject and potential subjects of Criminal Investigation Division Investigations, Special Agents, U.S. District Court Judges and U.S. Attorneys. (emphasis ours) 

Categories of records in the system: 

Personal and financial information developed in criminal tax investigations, potential tax investigations and in projects including information from other Federal, state and local agencies. 

Notification procedure: 

This system of records may not be accessed for purposes of determining if the system contains a record pertaining to a particular individual. (emphasis ours) 

Record access procedures: 

This system of records may not be accessed for purposes of inspection or for contest of content of records. (emphasis ours) 


"... the power to tax is the power to destroy ... Chief Justice John Marshall in McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat 418, 429 (1819) 

"It is clear, that the Legislature and the people may not choose to deny a fundamental constitutional right as a means of collecting revenue." United States v. Texas , 252 F.Supp 234, 254 (1966); Texas v. U.S., 384 U.S. 1383 (1966) 

"Constitutional rights would be of little value if they could be ... indirectly denied." Smith v. Allwright , 321 U.S. 649, 664 (1943) 

"... or `manipulated out of existence'" Gomillion v. Lightfoot , 364 U.S. 339, 345 (1960) 

"The right to follow any of the common occupations of life is an inalienable right." Allgeyer v. Louisiana , 165 U.S. 578 (1897); Hotel v. Longley, 160 S.W. 2nd 124, 127 (1942) 

"The property which every man has in his own labor, ... is the most sacred and inviolable." Butchers' Union Co. v. Crescent City , 111 U.S. at 757 (1883) 

"We also think the right to work is one of the most precious liberties that man possesses ... To work for a living in the occupation available to a community is the very essence of personal freedom from servitude ... Liberty means more than freedom from servitude. The constitutional guarantees, are our assurance that the citizen will be protected in the right to use his powers of mind and body in any lawful calling." Hanson v. Union Pacific R.R. , 71 N.W. 526, 546, (1955); Referenced from Smith v. Texas , 233 U.S. 630 (1913) 


Join the Revolution!! 

Make this April 15th - Destroy the IRS Day!! 

Never forget!!  A free people and the IRS cannot co-exist.  The IRS must be destroyed!!   And the sooner the better!!!