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Success on Multiple Fronts

Jim Babka

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"I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations."

- President James Madison

Subject: Success on multiple fronts

Downsize DC pressure works! Here's the latest evidence . . .

The so-called "Protect America Act" (PAA), which permits warrant-less spying on American citizens, is scheduled to sunset out of existence on February 1. We've been working with a host of other organizations to pressure Congress to oppose this law. The result . . .

There are deep divisions in the Senate. Action on proposed "fixes" to PAA has now been postponed until January. The more we pressure Congress on this issue, the less likely they are to take action, and the closer we get to the February 1 sunset date. Delay equals success, so let's keep up the pressure.

Those in Congress who oppose PAA need to hear from you so they'll stand their ground, while those who support PAA also need to hear from you -- to make them nervous. Send another message to Congress on this issue.

If you need talking points to personalize your message, you can find them here.

More evidence . . .

We've been pressuring Congress to cancel their hearings on steroids in baseball. We've used this issue to argue that Congress should spend its time reading the bills it passes, instead of meddling in baseball. Perhaps we've struck a nerve, because the hearings have been delayed!

Let's keep up the pressure. Send a message telling Congress that the steroid hearings should not just be delayed, but canceled. Use your personal comments to tell Congress they should pass Downsize DC's "Read the Bills Act" instead. You can do so here.

More good news . . .

Jim Harper, a scholar at the Cato Institute, has written a glowing blog post about our "I am not afraid" campaign.

Jim's post has also been picked up by several other blogs. New people are coming to Downsize DC to send "I am not afraid" messages to Congress. Let's add fuel to this fire by sending more "I am not afraid" messages of our own. You can do so here.

We also want to recommend Jim Harper's work to you.

Jim is our primary source on information related to the REAL ID act, and runs an excellent website, called, that tracks Congressional legislation. We use this site constantly. Check it out.

Finally . . .

The amount we need to raise from Dispatch readers to meet our December budget is down to $892. If the readers of this list can contribute that amount another generous donor will match it. Every dollar you give will be worth two. You can contribute here.

Thanks for being a part of the growing Downsize DC Army.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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