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Congress on Steroids

Jim Babka

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"Why do you see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but not notice the log in your own eye?"

- The Gospel of Matthew, 7:3

Subject: Congress on Steroids

The members of Congress constantly . . .

  • Fail to read the laws they pass
  • Violate their oaths to serve, protect, and defend the Constitution
  • Squander billions of dollars
  • Lose track of billions of dollars
  • Confer billions of dollars on undeserving friends
  • Get caught in personal scandals involving bribery and moral hypocrisy
  • Fail to sweat the details of the laws they pass, delegating un-constitutional legislative authority to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats

And yet . . .

They have time to hold hearings and investigations of the private non-violent behavior of individuals in a private business. Who do they think they are?! They are certainly not paragons of competence or moral virtue, and yet they dare to assume they are wise enough and good enough and competent enough to nanny everyone else.

It is long past time for Congress to fix its own problems, and quit waisting our time and our money meddling in the non-violent behavior of others. If Major League Baseball has a problem with steroids then that is an issue between the league, its employees, and its customers, and not a proper subject for Congress.

Congress needs to put its own house in order. Congress needs to obey the Constitution's limits on its authority. Congress needs to stop pandering and meddling. Congress needs to mind its own business, NOW!

If you agree, please send a message to Congress, telling them to stop wasting time on steroids in baseball.

Please also send a second message asking Congress to pass DownsizeDC's "Read the Bills Act." You can do that here.

Use your personal comments to point out that they certainly have time to read their bills if they have time to investigate steroids in baseball.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.

Jim Babka

President, Inc.

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