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Don't Let Telecom Companies Get Away with Handing Over Your Phone and Emails Without A Warrant: Send Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid a Message!

Anthony D. Romero

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Do you have 2 minutes to spare today? We’re asking concerned Americans to take 2 minutes to send Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a message: don’t let telecom companies get away with handing over your phone and emails without a warrant.

We are headed into a crucial stage of the battle to fix the terrible FISA mess that Congress created when it handed over expanded power to spy on Americans this summer.

There are two bills pending in the Senate, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a decision to make: he can either ask the Senate to take up a dangerous bill that is toxic to democracy and to the rule of law or a sound, reasonable bill that does not let telecoms off the hook.

Here’s what you can do:

If you have 2 minutes: Sign the petition to Senator Reid, telling him to stand up to Bush on telecom immunity.

If you have 5 minutes: Sign the petition, and ask your friends to take action.

The Senate Intelligence Committee bill that could shortly reach the Senate floor is a complete capitulation to President Bush. He is demanding immunity for companies that broke the law when they handed over  phone data and emails to the NSA without a warrant. Bush wants Congress to bury the truth by stopping lawsuits. That lets him off the hook, and it gives no incentives for companies to follow the law in the future.

In addition to telecom immunity, the ACLU is asking Senators to reject sweeping up the private information of Americans in a broad net of surveillance. That means rejecting tactics like basket "warrants," which aren’t really warrants at all since they do not require specific individuals to be the targets of suspicion.

We must send Senator Reid a loud and clear message: no American should be wiretapped without a warrant, and phone companies must not be given immunity for breaking the law when they handed over  phone data and emails to the NSA without a warrant.

Time is limited: Please, take action now. Tell Senator Reid to bring up a bill that does not include telecom immunity or unconstitutional surveillance. Thank you for standing with us.


Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU

Anthony D. Romero

Executive Director