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Brasscheck TV: The War Is On - Unless

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Today, George Bush invoked the idea of World War III in connection with Iran...after the Russian leader Vladimir Putin declared Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

Meanwhile, Blackwater gun thugs - run by an evangelical, right wing nut job whose family has given Bush hundreds of thousands of dollars - are holed up in their Iraqi compound declaring they will not allow themselves to be arrested on charges of murdering civilians there.

It is hard to imagine things getting much uglier.

Unfortunately, they can...

Here is the problem:

A huge percentage of peace-loving Americans believe that Bush would never seriously consider attacking Iran.

They point to the lack of support Bush has at home, the fact that US military resources are stretched thin in Iraq and the over all insanity of the idea.

Unfortunately, not only would Bush and Co. *consider* attacking Iran...they give every indication - to people with eyes that can see - that they are preparing to attack the country before the Bush administration ends its term.

It is hard to protest a war you do not believe could ever happen.

Believe it.

And if you think attack Iran is a bad idea, start protesting now. There is probably no more important pro-peace and pro-Constitution action you can be involved in now.

- Brasscheck

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