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Hep Wanted and Jim Babka, Everywhere

Perry Willis, Communications Director -

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 - Jerry Seinfeld

In this message . . .

* Jim Babka to speak in New Hampshire in January

* Jim Babka to speak in Cleveland, tonight!

* HELP WANTED - Radio Ad Buyer

* Jim Babka on Jerry Hughes, today

* Jim Babka on air Sunday

Now that's a lot Babka!


Jim Babka has been invited back to speak to the Free State Project at their Second Liberty Forum -- Thursday January 3 to Sunday January 6, 2008 in Nashua, New Hampshire. Jim was the only "main ballroom speaker" from last year to be invited back this year. He's proud of that. "They liked me; they really liked me," said our gleeful President.

His presentation will be, "How you can Downsize DC." Jim will explain how you can overcome all the hurdles and barriers to make your belief in smaller government the winning side in the national debate.

"Last year, I spoke to a packed house. The event was very well-attended. The people were positive. Boy, there are so many good things I could say about it," said Babka. "Sue and I are really looking forward to returning."

Senator John Sununu will speak at the banquet dinner on Saturday night. He'll be joined by a wide range of other speakers, including . . .

* Carla Howell, the co-chair of the Massachusetts Initiative to End the (statewide) Income Tax.

* Ethan Nadelmann, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance

* Bernard von NotHaus, creator of the Liberty Dollar

* ...and many more

And Jim also expects Ian and Mark of the nationally syndicated radio show "Free Talk Live" to be set up, doing their broadcasts direct from the site.

On top of that, Jim and his wife Sue (two Babkas!) expect to do another installment of "Breakfast with the Babkas." We'll have more to say about that in a future Dispatch.

Details about the event are available at

And a 10% discount is available to those who use the code "2008DDC"


Jim Babka will speak to his second Ron Paul Meetup in the home town of his beloved, heart-breaking (but perhaps not this year) Cleveland Browns.

Topics? and the Read the Bills Act, of course.

When? Tonight! Friday, Nov 16, 2007, 7:00 PM 

Where? Holiday Inn-Mackenzie's Grill

I-71 at W 150TH ST. Cleveland

You are highly encouraged to RSVP, even if you can only give a 'Maybe.' Details here.

HELP WANTED needs to consult with a radio ad buyer. If you have recent experience in this area AND you're a DC Downsizer who would like to contribute your expertise, then please contact us directly at our HelpWanted address.


If you can't make it to Cleveland tonight and the January appearance is too far away, you can get your Babka fix (a fruit-filled, sweetbread high!), this afternoon.

This show is a great opportunity to spread the DC Downsizer message. Please support this show. You can do so by listening, but especially by calling-in or sending an email.

The toll-free call-in number is: 1-866-222-2368

The email is: Jerry at AccentRadio dot com

Time: 3:00 PM Eastern, 2:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Mountain, Noon Pacific

Length: 1 hour

Host: Jerry Hughes

Show: Straight Talk w/ Jerry Hughes


Click Winamp or Windows Media Player, as appropriate.

You can listen to the show on the Internet, but it is also available in more than 20 markets. A complete list of "affiliates" is available here.


Make a note in your planner to tune in to Jim Babka's Sunday radio show, "The Downsize DC Conference Call." Jim Babka recently joined the team of bloggers at

His guests will be Jason Kuznicki and Jon Rowe, two of his co-bloggers at Positive Liberty.

Jim's show airs Sunday afternoons at 4 PM Eastern on the Genesis Communications Network.

Our Sunday morning Downsizer-Dispatch will include more details, including how you can participate in the show.

Ahh, tasty Babka!

Perry Willis

Communications Director

Downsize DC Foundation

&, Inc.  

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