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Caroline Fredrickson, ACLU

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House next. Call your Representative now to tell them you want habeas restored.

A majority of the Senate, by a vote of 56-43, voted to restore habeas corpus rights to those being detained without charge by the United States. However, this amount fell a few votes short of the sixty needed to invoke cloture and move on to a simple majority vote on the habeas corpus restoration amendment. Not only did every single Democratic Senator vote in favor of the procedural motion, but six Republicans also voted in favor.

While the amendment ultimately was not filibuster proof, a majority of senators have made it clear that they want to restore the right of habeas corpus. A strong showing when the House votes can add to our momentum.

Help keep the pressure on. Call your Representative now to tell him or her you want habeas restored.

With your help, the ACLU has worked diligently for the restoration of habeas corpus. That tireless work is beginning to pay off. But, we can not rest until the right of habeas corpus is and will be signed back into law.

With your help, I know we can do it. We must.


Caroline Fredrickson, Director

ACLU Washington Legislative Office