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Are We Jell-o or the "I Am Race"?

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>Long time ago......

[Lyrics question from a song we have sung]

Let's stand up and restore our nation, our republic.... There is a concerted effort by the dark brotherhood to annihilate 9/10th or thereabouts numbers of us in America, as elsewhere. ....the dark brotherhood which is still in separation consciousness,....through toxic chemtrails, control of our natural health remedies and food itself, Big Pharma, allopathic so-called traditional medicine and practitioners, killer vaccinations, bloodletting rituals of war, control of the environment, removal of citizens defense of firearms (disarmament of citizens as in earlier Germany, the easier to overtake the citizenry), fiat central banking money system, overturned rule-of-law, all branches of government, control of politicians through bribery and blackmail, educational system, fields of psychology and psychiatry training and practice, false diagnosis and remedies even control of children in school system, news media - controlled reporting, psychotronic/radio waves, mind control by false religion and misunderstanding of prophecies and false interpretations of the Law of the One, assassinations and elimination of whistle blowers, censorship, control of science and scientists, our Rain Forest, dumbing down by fluoride in water systems and mercury in tooth fillings, and on and on....Become aware....Seeing through deception is our protection! Even become aware of how your own false values of belief in limitation, scarcity and anti-love serve to perpetuate the lies. Let's break through our conditioning once and for all! And take responsibility For LIFE.

Did you know that America is a code name for the I AM RACE? That's why it was named America and why the Elite / Plutocrats, New World Order / World Money Financiers / Illuminati or whatever name you choose to call it....has been targeting America first and has for a long, long, long time so that we wouldn't notice til now. They believe if they can bring down America they can bring down the rest of the world with ease.

See, the dark brotherhood, which practices satanism (division from who you really are - through mind-control by glamor, all manor of distractions and shell games, and lies of mis and disinformation, conditioning), knows the children of God are really of divine origin, which they themselves pledge no allegiance to, and that we have the potential in Creator God of self-realization, self-actualization, self-control/self-mastery, self-awareness, self-rule and do not really need them and their earth and people-control, big-brother programs to keep us under their thumbs of power and to serve them.

So, being that we are divine origin we also have the capability to defeat the programs of the dark and raise this planet and ourselves in true stewardship in The Law of The One, in service to ourselves and brothers and sisters nationally and worldwide. It is our choice as Individuals, a People, Nation, and World.

What is your choice? The Light is rooting for us and is, as always, standing by to answer our calls for help and protection in whatever activity serving the Highest Good. Acknowledge your sonship and daughtership, cast off the false values of darkness, of self-limitation and lies of self deception of unworthiness, and "return home" to the One God, wherever you are. It is truly our divine inheritance and you are worthy, proof of your worthiness is by virtue of your existence. For how could you NOT be worthy if you exist? You and each of us carry the divine pattern, even the dark practitioners, who are in ignorance of the Law of the One. Please, support the Plan of God, not the fallen plan. Return to Wholeness in The One God of Light, Creator God. It behooves each to do so.