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Letter to the Editor by Virginia Brooks

Virginia Brooks

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r channels as all people who want to become legal citizens of this country do, then that becomes a different story, but in fact if they came here legally, they are not expecting to live off the government and draw every free program we have, many of which our own citizens are unable to get, even when they do not have jobs or are unable to find a job. Supposedly the SS account will be broke in a few years anyway, but that makes it all the more hard to understand why our Congress and President would sign into law to allow Illegal Aliens to draw from this fund.

*[Don't you wonder why Congress would pass such legislation in the first place?]

Congress is ready to vote on legislation this week, May 20, 2007, for Amnesty for all illegal Aliens residing in this country illegally.

*[What does your Member of Congress have to gain by passing this? Could it be they think we will not support them in the next election and they think the Illegals will support them to get back into office, you see we will shortly become the minority voting block in this country.]

For at least 10 years, the government has been saying we have possibly 10 million illegal aliens residing in this country, but they do not know where they are, when in fact the amount of illegal Aliens crossing the borders into this country are 10,000 a day, now today they still say from 10/20 million are here when in fact the total might be 40/50 million. Most of these people receive free medical care, [do you receive free medical care as a U.S. Citizen?] food stamps, welfare, SS, SSI, work here without paying taxes, many have stolen ID'S, fake drivers license, no car insurance, fake SS cards, etc. These people have broken our laws coming here, this makes them criminals? So why are we rewarding criminals, allowing them citizenship? Why are we allowing their babies to be instant citizenship, if we did not allow them into our country, they would not have their babies here to be citizens of a country they owe no allegiance to. They refuse to learn our language, we then have to provide interpreters for them in school, hospitals, government offices, etc. Many hospitals have gone broke because they can not turn these people away and they use our emergency rooms as doctors offices, all for free.

*[Why would a Member of Congress and President reward people breaking our laws?]

When people immigrate to this country, they are screened for diseases, must know English, there are many requirements to apply for citizenship, this is a very long process where they must meet the standards for migrating here. Yet, Our government is allowing this massive amount of people to inter our borders without any background checks. It makes me wonder, especially after 9-11, why we have a government that is allowing the dregs of the earth to pass into our country unchecked [and is bringing in many of the horrible diseases that have been eradicated here for years which includes TB & Leprosy [over 7,000 or more cases], which I am sure include terrorists, which are planning another disaster. Who will the American People blame for the next horrific disaster?

*[One has to blame the present regime which is non-responsive to “We the People” for whatever is allowed to happen here on the home-front.]

In March 2007, Legislation H.R 1999 was introduced which provides $5 million dollars starting in 2008 if it is passed or brought before the house, for LaRaza, a racist organization that help illegals to enter our country and promote taking back four U.S. western states that the Mexican people believe to be part of their country. Then if passed this organization would receive $10 million each year after 2008. This is as bad as funding all of the ACLU's lawsuits. A travesty for sure.

*[Please advise your Representative, that you want him never to sign on to this legislation and to vote no if the bill comes before them. Newly elected Sherrod Brown from our area signed on to this legislation when it come before the house in 2003. Also signing on from Ohio in 2003 included Dennis Kucinich, Marcy Kaptur, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Robert Ney, Timothy Ryan, and our own Governor [then Representative] Ted Strickland. To think that these people would support such a racist organization as LaRaza. Google it and see what you come up with.]

This Illegal Alien problem all goes together with the North American Union which Bush signed onto in 2005, which dissolves the borders of the U.S. And makes us one country with Mexico and Canada, all done without the oversight of Congress. This will also dissolve our Constitution. Along with this is the SPP which provides a huge highway from Mexico to Canada. This will only be used by Truckers to transport drugs, Illegals, Terrorists, and whatever else suits their fancy. This will be under foreign supervision and the land will be taken from homeowners by imminent domain, and will put many farmers out of business. The hub for this will be in Kansas City and also will be under foreign supervision.

*[Congress can stop this if they would only do so. 14 states have signed resolutions to stop this!]

If you want to call your Congress Critter toll free, here is the number: 1-866-340-9281

Direct numbers to: George Voinovich~1-202-224-3353, Sherrod Brown~1-202-224-2315.

I personally feel it is time to clean house in the next election and start over since we have no one to blame for the mess this country is in, but the current administration! We voted part of the creeps out of office in 2006, only to get new creeps. When the cost of the Illegal Alien debacle which is currently costing this country trillions of dollars on the backs of people that no longer have good jobs they can support their families with, when this and the past administration have shipped their jobs overseas with the free trade deals they have passed and ruined this country with. They have lied to us and continue lying to us constantly to press forward with their own agenda's, working and paying back their donors for getting them elected. Never mind what they promised to the constituents who voted for them. We must not re-elect anyone in office, we must get patriots who will work for this country. We must not elect those in office now, who work for the big-buck donors they prostitute themselves for. Throw their arses out in November.

*[If you want to help get patriots elected to office and [TAB,] Take America Back to the Constitutional Republic this country was formed as, join us at:

Virginia Brooks

1196 Twp. Rd. 2116

Ashland, Ohio 44805