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Speaker Pelosi, You Are Part of the Problem

James Brett

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tial features of our Constitution. Let me be plain, it is OUR Constitution, not Nancy Pelosi's or Rahm Emanuel's or Steny Hoyer's.

The Founding Fathers understood in clear detail the failings of human beings. The Constitution is specifically written to curb the power lust of individuals. Yet, as many have said, the Constitution does not make the checks each of the separate and equal branches of government have against the other branches so easy to employ that they would be used indiscriminantly. That is the genius of the Constitution. It is all the more folly, then, for the Legislative Branch to remove its own teeth and sit idly by while Washington sinks deeper into the consequences of a corrupt and dishonest Executive.

The calls for impeachment are growing, Speaker Pelosi. Your illegal act has been called out and you have, given the goodwill you are blessed with, a few days in which to reverse your unconstitutional position. You have only a few days in which to vindicate your gender, for if you do not get back within the real and necessary provisions of our Constitution, then you will have sullied the reputation of women politicians immeasurably. You need to know how to fight in this world, and you need to know that a political fight is honorable and necessary.

Cindy Sheehan should understand that impeachment of Dick Cheney is the first step toward impeachment of George Bush. Let us hope that she is flexible enough to make this change in her challenge to Mrs. Pelosi.

Yes, it will be an process fraught with misgivings and distress. Impeachments always are full of emotion and inefficiency and almost intolerable confusion. Impeachments are necessary when the facts say they are and, Nancy, there are volumes of facts now, and they all speak to the one compelling conclusion. Dick Cheney and George Bush have lied, misrepresented, broken U.S. and international law, and are in a massive coverup operation to obstruct justice. Their lackey, Alberto Gonzales, is just as culpable, and must also be impeached.

Your job, now, Speaker Pelosi, is to put it back, reverse your position based on the evidence, and find a Sam Ervin and Sam Dash to lead the process.


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Authors Bio: James R. Brett, Ph.D. taught Russian History in several universities before becoming an academic administrator. His academic interests have been in the history of science and the history of ideas, particularly Marxism and classical liberalism, but also psychology and consciousness studies. He became an acknowledged expert on curriculum and faculty research administration. He is a frequent contributor to liberal and progressive blogs and is the founder and publisher of The American Liberalism Project.