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Motion Denied: Border Agents Orderd to Prison!

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To read the story, and Grassfire's news release click here:

Read Grassfire's release:

I am outraged by this devastating ruling, and want our team to know that this issue is not over!

This decision to send these men to prison--where they will likely be placed among the drug dealers and gang members they put in prison themselves will no doubt send a terrible message to every law enforcement official in the nation, that our justice department, our government no longer has your back!

Just two weeks ago, National Guardsmen were fired upon on the border. But because they cannot engage, they had to retreat!

This is utter madness.

Yesterday, Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) delivered your petitions directly to the White House in a twelfth-hour effort to keep these men from going to prison. The White House did not respond. Why hasn't the President commented on this case? I want to know!

As mentioned earlier, this issue is far from over.

Grassfire is committed to working to free these men who swore to protect us. Ron De Jong and I will be presenting your petitions and meeting with members of the media today, and we will challenge the President and our Justice System... In short, we will be bold for these men, and I need you to do the same!

I am personally appealing to each member of our Grassfire team to stand in the gap for agents Compean and Ramos. Continue telling their story to friends and rallying much needed grassroots support.

But it can't end there. Continue pressuring the White House-- demanding they pardon these men!

Here is the White House number: 202/456-1111

Together we must be bold for these dedicated family men who stood for us. Now we must stand for them until this terrible wrong is made right!

Thanks for taking immediate action with me.

Steve Elliott President Alliance

P.S: Please forward this message to ALL your friends and family. Urge them to sign our petition and call the White House, today!

++ Sign our Petition:

++For more on this case:

+ + Coming Soon!

America's online grassroots community is getting ready to ignite! Get ready to join the discussion at -- where you can chat, debate, and start your own citizen grassfires!

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Alliance is a non-profit 501(c)4 issues advocacy organization dedicated to equipping our 1.5 million-strong network of grassroots conservatives with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day. Gifts to are not tax deductible.

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