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Peace Takes to the Streets of West End

Megan Yarrow

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Donned in an array of dazzling outfits, participants waved large flags, danced to the rhythm of beating drums, chanted and sang as they passed puzzled onlookers, Saturday shoppers and coffee sippers.

Police guided the parade from St Mary’s Church in Merivale Street to Boundary Street, where it concluded with more dancing and drumming beneath the Moreton Bay fig on the Russell Street corner.

The well co-ordinated parade was choreographed by award winning filmmaker David Bradbury. In a statement to supporters, he wrote:

“This is to be a stark reminder of what we as a nation have been complicit in by sending our troops to Iraq and hitherto remaining silent on the issue as the years go by and the slaughter continues on a daily basis with no end in sight.”

Many of today’s participants were from all around Australia, and will shortly head to Shoalwater Bay for a Peace Convergence, as tens of thousands of US and Australian troops engage in the joint military operation Talisman Sabre.