Reed Allen
When a Republic collapses into a police state, this is what it looks like...
In 1776, a colony of liberty minded patriots battled the King of Britain to become independent.
The USofA was founded in 1776 as a free Republic under the will of the people, the light of the whole world at the time. The great experiment had begun.
Then the Republic got usurped to become a Corporate entity in 1872, putting the people under the will of the corporate entity.
In 1913 the entity was taken over in a banking coup on Christmas eve by a handful of families as primary corporate shareholders.
The Republic has been under constant Marshall law since the Civil war in 1850.
Bankrupt, in 1933 the corporate entity was sold off to the world bank (the primary corporate shareholders above), turning over every man, woman and child, along with the assets and wealth of the nation as collateral to these private shareholders .
Since then it has been heralded to the 'people' as a 'democracy' to elect every four years a 'Chairman of the Board' and 'administrators' to manage the corporation to - as required by law - maximize the shareholder's value, parading to the people a false facade of freedom.
Since 2001, it has now fully collapsed into a fascist police state, complete with no due process of its citizens (Patriot Act and NDAA), 24/7 NSA surveillance, with police free to kill people and confiscate all property at their leisure, and now rapidly instituting that it is a crime to 'be thy brothers keeper', the very tenet of the former Republic's Christian roots...
See: http://www.infowars.com/florida-police-threaten-arrest-under-new-homeless-hate-law/
All of this happened in a little over 200 years, the shortest lived empire in the history of mankind, going back 10's of thousands of years.
And who said the British Crown lost the war?
This proves the point made in 1776, freedom requires eternal vigilance and as the history of humanity has demonstrated again and again - people would rather be victims and slaves begging for corporate benefits and privileges than to do the hard work of being fully Self-responsible.
So now we know the result of the experiment. To anyone who understands human nature, the outcome was already known.
Reed Allen