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Chaos And War Face United States As It Chooses New Leader

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

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Today dawns upon our World as it faces its most serious challenges since the early days of the 20th Century, which began what historians of the future will call the 100-Years-War, and which since it began has seen the destruction of the Austria-Hungarian and Turkish Empires in World War I, the destruction of the German, Japanese and British Empires in World War II, the ascendancy of the Soviet and American Empires through the later part of the century, the destruction of the Soviet Empire in the 1990’s, and all leading to the victor of this conflict being the United States, and which currently stands as an Empire that spans the entire Globe unmatched in power and influence than any other Empire in our Earth’s entire recorded history.

So powerful has the Empire of the United States become that it has among its many attributes the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the World, with a per capita GDP of $46,000, a military budget of over $700 billion that is more than that of all of the other World’s Nations combined, has less than 5 percent of the World's population but has almost a quarter of the World's prisoners, has a combined private and government debt of over $53 Trillion leading to each of their citizens owing over $175,000 yet whose Federal Reserve Bank is fast becoming the Central Bank of the World, and consumes more oil than nearly every other Nation in the World combined.

By these stated, and undisputed, facts alone there is no argument, in any corner of any Nation, that as the United States goes so goes our entire World, and today they are choosing a new leader that when the history of these times are written will be known as one of the most important human beings in all of our recorded history. 

No other single person, in all of recorded human history, will possess more financial and war bearing powers over the entire Earth than the next United States President who by his actions alone, over these coming years, will affect the life and death of billions of human beings the World over.

No other single person, and again, in all of our recorded human history, will have the ability to unleash, mitigate or prevent, the total annihilation of our entire Earth and the ending of our species forever through nuclear war, climate change collapse or the rise of a catastrophic, and unseen at this time, diseases like the Black Plaque or Spanish Flu able to kill us by the billions.

It could be argued, and most certainly will be in the future, that one single human being having such power over our entire World, and its peoples, should, also, be chosen by the entire World. But, and like in the days of ancient Roman Empire, of which the United States has been modeled over these past 200 years, this most critical choice for leadership of our Earth is left to the American people alone.

And as their choice for the leadership of not just their Nation, but the entire World, they have chosen two men to decide upon, Barack Obama and John McCain.

Barack Obama, at his best, is described as a ‘once in a generation’ political figure whose calm sense of bearing and gift of oratory transcends traditional labels and party lines and whose candidacy speaks to the maturity of the American people who for the first time since their founding as a Nation, and their brutal Civil War, will lay to rest their much troubled history of subjugating minority populations.  At his worst, Barack Obama is described as an enigmatic figure whose origins of birth are clouded in mystery, whose upbringing in foreign countries brings to question his loyalty to America, and whose associations with too many controversial people to mention has instilled a fear among many Americans that should he become their President their Nation will become a socialist state where they will lose all of their rights and their money.

John McCain, at his best, is described as a genuine war hero who since being a young man has given his entire life, and physical well being, to a Nation he loves and has vowed to serve with all he has to give.  His record of accomplishments in the service to his Nation remain unparalleled in modern American history and has seen him do battle with too many entrenched forces to mention, including his own political party and President, and all done in service to the American people and not to the powerful elite who rule over them.  At his worst, John McCain is described as a ‘loose cannon’ with an unmatched temper that has seen his refusal to comply with authority, or rules, and which led to his being shot down over Vietnam when he abandoned his assigned flight path, being embroiled in a financial crises which caused the collapse of the US savings and loan industry in the 1980’s, his abandonment of his first wife due to her disfigurement from an automobile accident after his return to America after being released by the Vietnamese after the ending of that war, and his quick ascension to the power corridors of America via the connections made for him by his present wife’s mob connected father.

Though it should only be in books of fiction that two such human beings could possibly be invested with so much power, and authority, that they will control the lives of billions of people on an entire Planet, that is, and as amazing at it may seem, the fact that World faces today as the American people begin to vote.  

Or is it?

The mission of the Order of the Sorcha Faal has been to expose, and reveal, to all of our World’s peoples, the actual personages, and powers, that lie behind the figurehead individuals that throughout our history have called themselves Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Potentates, Supreme Leaders and Dictators, and which have been doing for over 700 years.

These powers that lie behind the ‘names of men’ are not unknown to them either, and as the American President Woodrow Wilson spoke about after having had to force his Nation into World War I that he had promised his Nation he would keep them out of:

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

The last American President to believe he was more powerful than these ‘subtle, watchful, and interlocked’ forces was John F. Kennedy, and whose words against these ‘secret societies’ have been preserved and can be listened to here, and which after his speaking them was assassinated by those he dared to oppose.  

To this present election that the American people are now embarking upon we have, also, provided to them the most basic primer possible for them to begin the process of beginning to fully understand the fate that awaits them, and which they can read as we reported on in our reports: Israel To Fall As US Says This Will Be Their ‘Last President’, Top US Generals Flee To EU And Russia In Last Attempt To Stop World War, Obama Summoned To US Military Stronghold In Hawaii By Top Generals, Iranian Leader In Secret Meet With Obama At US Military Stronghold In Hawaii, Obama-Ahmadinejad Meet Spurs Attacks On Syria, CIA, Fleeing Bush Family Detained By US Delta Forces At Camp David, and McCain Agrees To Destroy CIA In Bid To Stop US Coup Forces.

To what these American people are facing with the actual election itself, and its consequences, we can further read:

As reported by Britain’s Mail News Service: “The American presidential election could descend into electoral chaos on Tuesday as unprecedented numbers of voters turn out to cast their ballot in a system that is largely untested. The U.S. has an electoral system that is not organised, designed or funded to cope with 'anywhere near a 100 per cent turnout', a director of a leading independent electoral reform group has said. As an estimated 130million Americans head to the polls, Doug Chapin, director of The Pew Charitable Trust's, said voter turnout will 'dwarf' all other problems in this year's presidential election.”

From American author Erica Jong: “Obama supporters are warning of “blood in the streets” and a new “civil war” should Obama lose on Tuesday.

From the United States Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell:  “The world faces a growing risk of conflict over the next 20 to 30 years amid an unprecedented transfer of wealth and power from West to East.”     

From US and Chinese News Sources: “The RAND Corporation recently presented a shocking proposal to the Pentagon in which it lobbied for a war to be started with a major foreign power in an attempt to stimulate the American economy and prevent a recession.”

To the true ‘Hollywood Ending’ of this election, and directed to those American people still remaining undecided on whom to vote for are, and being given to them ‘right on cue’ just hours before the polls open, the ‘news’ that the grandmother of Barack Obama has just passed away after her long battle with cancer, and that the charismatic Sarah Palin has just been cleared of ethics violations levied against her in her home State of Alaska, completes this chapter of this US election drama.

If we had written this script for the American election, instead of those powers that have actually done so, it would not, could not, be believed as true by anyone of common sense.  But, to the overwhelming majority of the American people, it is our true words which are scorned as not even being possible to be believed, and which is a testament to how far these peoples have fallen in both their common sense and worth as intelligent human beings.

To their not even realizing, however, that they have, as an entire Nation, been placed upon the cutters table like a fine jewel ready to be cleaved in half, they still haven’t the slightest clue of their planned cruel fate even though the evidence for this being true surrounds them should they only care to look.

To be continued…

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one.  No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]

Translation to Spanish by: Sister Maru Barraza, Mazatlán, Mexico