The Questions That WILL Lead To Your Death
Sister Catherine
I must first admit to everyone reading these words that I was perplexed after being tasked with this assignment as to what qualifications were seen in me to enjoin others in the efforts of our Order towards educating Westerners in the reality of their world. Upon further conversations with the Sorcha Faal it was explained to me that because of my experience with the past elections held in both
So, in viewing the events currently occurring in
Virtually unknown to all of the American people is that the process they participate in to ‘elect’ a President has absolutely nothing to do with who rules their Nation or governs its citizens as they ceased to be a free Nation in the 1860’s after their Republic was destroyed during their Civil War and replaced by a democracy during the subsequent 60 years to what we see today as a Fascist Police State dictatorially ruled by a political and corporate elite.
The last bastion of resistance that remained in
The most important thing for anyone reading these words to understand is that the
The American people themselves are willing, but ignorant, participants in their own subjugation and imprisonment to these elite individuals and by any standard used to measure them can be more likened to slaves than anything resembling free peoples.
They, of course, don’t view their slavery in these terms as they have become so accustomed to living in subjugation to the will of these elite classes that they have ceased to even know what true freedom or liberty even looks like in today’s world.
There are exceptions to this, very few admittedly, but there are those, such as YOU who are reading these words, that knows that living at the mercy of slave masters who are so cruel and brutal that anyone, ANYONE, even questioning their authority will either be imprisoned, at best, or put to death, at the worst.
However, what has been forgotten, and by even the most astute of those who know the truth of their slavery, is how to fight against these elite monsters. It is as if they have forgotten that the whole existence of our human race has continually evolved towards the destruction of these monsters who seek to exploit the many for the benefit of the few.
What would surprise these Americans the most is that when viewed as a whole the forces alignged against these modern slave masters are actually winning in many parts of the world. Even as these words are being written, in fact, tens of thousands of protestors are besieging the corrupt US backed government in
The difference between these other peoples and the Americans are their willingness to sacrifice whatever it takes for freedom and justice, and not just through the use of words, but by actions. This is something that the majority of Americans have forgotten how to do, or even worse have become so complacent in their slavery that they have lost the will to fight for their freedom all together.
But, what I find most astounding about everything is that as we near the end of the first decade of this new century, our Order is actually working towards the freeing of these people…and which even 30 years ago would have been unthinkable! And what concerns me more than anything is how close to being totally lost these people, and their American Nation, actually is.
Do they really not see, or understand, that just like a the world rose up against the evil of Nazi Germany during last century that, once again, the forces of freedom are gathering to destroy this growing threat to all humanity?
Have these people really become so ignorant that they can’t even see that what passes for an election in their Nation is nothing more than a beauty contest between what is in actuality two sides of the same coin?
And most importantly, are these American people really going to accept their like slavery their Nazi Germany counterparts even to the total destruction of their whole Nation?
I don’t know the answers to these questions, but what I do know from my past experiences in other Nations is this…resistance to slavery and servitude has to start somewhere, and history is replete with examples that in almost all cases it begins with single individuals.
Are you a one such person? If so, what are you willing to do for yourself, and for others, to begin to reclaim your freedom? Are you willing to sacrifice everything you have for what you know to be right? Are you willing to die for what you believe in?
In my over 35 years of experience observing political movements in the Middle East, especially those like Iran and Lebanon who have shed themselves of Western domination and servitude, I am always amazed by the courage of individuals who stand for what they believe in while knowing full well that they risk everything, even their lives. Even more amazing are those who form support networks for their fellow citizens even in the face of overwhelming police state brutality designed to keep them in total fear.
This is why it always amazes me when after requesting from these American people the very least contribution to assist in their freedom they remain largely ignored. This would be understandable if, like in many Middle Eastern countries, there are multitudes of competing humanitarian efforts, but this is not the case in
There are many reasons for this being so, the main one being these peoples beliefs that as their outlets for true news and honest dissent are destroyed there will be others rising to continue fighting. What they fail to notice however is that this is the furthest thing from the truth there is. The reason this is so is because dying Fascist regimes like the
But for right now, in this exact moment of time, these very words you are reading provide to you an opportunity to be counted on the side of freedom and justice rather than on the one of slavery and subjugation.
You can also ignore these words and continue leading a life deceiving yourself as to the true, and monstrous, extent of evil powers who rule over you. And are you even aware of how powerful these forces of evil are? Are you EVEN aware that in
They are: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS)….that’s it.
So here’s the question you have to ask yourself…are you going to continue living in a state of denial and be content with the lies spoon fed to you by the Fascist elite who couldn’t care less what you think, and have absolutely no regard whatsoever for your very life? Of, are you going to stand on the side of what is right and true and support those like us who on a daily basis risk everything on your behalf?
And, unlike the Fascist elite propagandists who have latterly billions of dollars to keep you ignorant and deceived, we have only YOUR support to keep you informed of the true reality of the world you are living in.
Our immediate needs are critical and we cannot continue our efforts without you. If you want to continue living an existence where you are continually lied to than by all means don’t support us. If, however, you want to make a stand for your own freedom and liberty than by all means keep us alive!
With God,
Sister Catherine