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Spying: coming to your state

Mat Staver

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Many states are pushing a comprehensive plan to spy on YOU, ALL THE TIME. No matter where you live—you are not safe. The CDC is pushing national standards to use your medical data and movements to have complete control over your life, including if you can be out in public, if you will be allowed into certain public places, and even if you will be allowed to stay in your own home! Now is the moment to fight back. - Mat

The CDC released a national plan with "contact tracing," that includes "Data management and technology" as "a core disease control measure." The CDC claims it is one of its "basic principles" and "a key strategy."

The CDC tries to minimize this, claiming they have been using this "for decades," however we're NOT talking about your parents' "contact tracing."

Johns Hopkins University recommends that "a Wuhan-like approach would mean more than 265,000 contact tracers [i.e., individual spies] in the United States." Many envision these people being paid full-time to track your movements. In addition, the university wrote, "technology must be explored as a force multiplier."

The CDC admits that "case investigation, contact tracing, and contact follow-up and monitoring will need to be linked with timely testing, clinical services, and agile data management systems to facilitate real-time electronic transmission of laboratory and case data for public health action." (emphasis added) But they don't stop there. They are pushing "legal orders of quarantine" and establishing separate housing enforcement based on their judgment of a person's "ability to practice adequate infection control."

Let me translate that for you. The CDC is pushing to train "a large contact tracer workforce" to spy on you and pair that information with real-time data of your every physical move gathered by Google and Apple through your phone. Then they combine that with your medical records and dump everything into a searchable, flaggable database. Their goal is to be able to control IF you will be permitted to stay locked in your own home or move you into what they call "isolation."

The Land of the Free is suddenly taking cues straight from Communist China, hiring domestic spies and tracking your whereabouts.

Rise up and demand that this radical communist dream ends right now. I need your help to stop the complete destruction of your freedom and privacy. Liberty Counsel Action researched and created a list of the governors and legislators that need to change their minds to stop this reckless pursuit. We have a very short time frame. Send your urgent fax to stop our politicians from sacrificing our freedoms.

Already, between just the two states of Massachusetts and Utah, there are nearly 3,000 people being trained in surveillance of their fellow Americans.

"We can have 30,000 to 40,000 people doing this [spying on fellow Americans] in California — half salaried, half volunteers — or we can have the economy stopped," said University of California, San Francisco infectious disease expert George Rutherford. He has been tasked with making the surveillance happen in his home state. "This is our Dunkirk moment," said another program leader. To add pressure and desperation, the California governor just closed all state parks and beaches.

In addition, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo dangled $10,000 in front of the Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont if he joined Gov. Cuomo's ongoing surveillance plan, according to the Hartford Courant last week. Two days ago, Gov. Lamont announced he will use a combination of trained personnel and technological surveillance to spy on Americans in an informal partnership with New York.

It seems that $10,000 was the price that Gov. Lamont needed to sell out the privacy and freedom for everyone in his state.

This is not sci-fi; this is already happening now. The frustrating part is that many Americans are buying into this. TechRepublic bluntly reported this morning, "Everyone agrees that contact tracing is a requirement for reopening America."

Congress already sent 25 billion dollars to "contact tracing," testing, and surveillance. This week "experts" (including Republicans) are asking Congress for an additional 46.5 billion dollars to ramp up "contact tracing" surveillance and isolation.

We need to stand in the gap in our nation and demand protection for our constitutional freedoms before it is too late. Tell our politicians to end the spying.

Liberty Counsel is raising the alarm on Capitol Hill and across the nation of the clear and present danger this will cause. We are about four months away from the presidential election. Already Google has shown its commitment to changing the outcomes of this election through algorithms manipulating people and censoring data.

Contact tracing would give these Tech Giants practically unlimited data on you and everyone else in America. They can use this to manipulate the elections (again) and oust President Trump … and then all this power rests in the hands of his enemies.

It is your donation that makes it possible for Liberty Counsel Action to be on the front lines to expose and fight this. We cannot do this without your help. Please prayerfully consider giving your best donation right now as the month closes today. You are the wind beneath the wings of our staff that is stretched thin, and we find ourselves embattled on every side today with devastating consequences if we lose.

Thank you for your prayers. This is one of the most intense times of battle that our organization has ever faced. And I'm proud to face it on a team with you.

For liberty,

Mat Staver



P.S. I need your help. If we do not quickly act, privacy in America will forever be destroyed. I need you to rise up to demand that our God-given liberties enshrined in the Constitution outlast our generation. We cannot silently hope someone else will restore our freedom. It is up to us, now! Send a fax demanding that politicians stop unconstitutional surveillance efforts.

Right now is a challenging time for many of our usual friends and supporters. Please know that we pray for you. If you can support Liberty Counsel Action with a donation of any size today, we would deeply appreciate your partnership with us. God bless you.

Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Donations are not tax-deductible.

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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Liberty Counsel Action

PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854
