Independence Day, January 15: Kanata Bulletin No. 3
Hidden From History
The Sovereign Republic of Kanata
Live Free or Die
January 15, 2015 is Independence Day
Our Vision and Plan of Action
Issued by the Provisional Council in Winnipeg to all District Conveners and members
January 1, 2015
Dear fellow Republicans,
The birth of our new Nation commences in just two weeks, when the Republic of Kanata will be constitutionally established. On January 15 at 5:00 pm CET, the lawful jurisdiction of Kanata will be proclaimed and our flag raised over what was once the corporate entity called “Canada”.
At that time, wherever you are, please gather as a branch or as individuals to help us proclaim the Republic by reading in public our Proclamation of Independence, and posting your action to the world. From then on, we will all be operating under a new legal and political jurisdiction, under our own sovereign authority.
Thank you as well to the hundreds of you who appended your names to the Proclamation. For brevity's sake the first fifty signers will be named and the others attached in a separate document. A final stamped and sealed copy of the Proclamation will be sent to all of you before Independence Day.
Our representatives will be present in New York City on Independence Day to seek official diplomatic status for the Republic of Kanata with officials of other nations.
An Act of Supremacy will be established by the first General Congress of the Republic that will create not only the sovereign jurisdiction of Kanata, but a High Court of Justice that will administer the common law and its courts across Kanata. This and the Constitution will authorize ad guarantee common law courts anywhere in our new nation.
More material will be issued soon about how to go about actively nullifying crown authority and reclaiming our land and its institutions. For immediate help please consult the Central Office at, and your District or Local Convener.
A quick reminder:
Every member should have taken the Pledge to the Republic, appended below.
Three of more of you can constitute an official Republican branch, and you should be meeting every week to undertake one public action and one organizing event. A local Convener, an Education-Membership Coordinator, and a Direct Action coordinator should be elected.
Be sure to have your Convener liason regularly with the Central Office (Colin Sullivan) or Kevin Annett, the Districts One and Two Convener (West Coast and Prairies).
Let us go forward now and reclaim our nation! Stand by for more announcements in the new year.
The Provisional Council, Winnipeg
31 December, 2014
Oath of Loyalty to the Republic of Kanata
(an authorized version for your signature will be provided by the local Convenor)
I, ________________________, hereby and forever sever all ties and allegiance to the Crown of England and its laws, and to the British Monarch and his or her descendents, and to the government known as the Dominion of Canada.
I do solemnly pledge my true and undivided loyalty to the Federated Republic of Kanata and to the liberty and common law upon which it rests. I solemnly pledge to actively establish and defend the Republic and its laws against all of its enemies, whether foreign or domestic.
I solemnly pledge to stand in solidarity with and defend all those who take this binding Oath. I make this pledge freely, unconditionally, and without ulterior motive or mental reservation, according to my honor and liberty and a sovereign and free born man/woman.
signed and dated
The Republic of Kanata and its Common Law: The Facts
Ten Basic Questions and Answers
What is the Republic of Kanata?
A sovereign nation of many nations that have broken free from the British monarchy and its unaccountable system of “crown law”.
Kanata was convened under a public Proclamation on January 15, 2015 that established it as a constitutional republic under the common law. The Republic had over 1,000 founding signatories but reflects the wishes of nearly 60% of Canadians, who when polled in 2013 favored an end to all ties with the British monarchy.
The Republic of Kanata is also the fulfillment of the aspirations of the first patriots who attempted unsuccessfully to create such a Canadian Republic in 1837. “Kanata” is an Iroquois word meaning “our communal village”.
What is the common law?
The basis of all legitimate government and authority. It is inherent in all men and women and establishes them as inherently free, self governing and sovereign people whose life and liberty cannot be subverted by any power.
The common law is superior to and outweighs all government statutes and other legal systems such as church “canon law” and so-called “admiralty law” employed by governments to rule arbitrarily. “The common law is common sense written by God in the hearts of the people” (Justice Edward Coke, 1628)
Are common law courts legal and valid?
Yes. Their authority and legitimacy as upholders of the rights of the “common people” is recognized by the United States Supreme Court as well as Canadian “crown” courts, which are descended from the English common law tradition. That tradition recognizes that the people themselves are the best guarantors of their own freedom; and that therefore, the law is upheld and defined by citizen juries and enforced by local county sheriffs beholden to the people and not a central government.
Is the Republic of Kanata an actual lawful government?
Yes. Its founding Constitution disestablished the political authority of the British crown in Canada and replaced it with a sovereign nation consisting of free, self governing people. The legal legitimacy and jurisdiction of the Republic was created by an Act of Supremacy in its first General Congress, which established a High Court of Justice to administer the common law everywhere in the new nation. The authority of all former agents and officials of the crown was formally revoked by this Act.
How does the new Republic affect my life?
Freedom from Debt Slavery: You are now freed from all of your former debts, mortgages and taxes, which were declared legally null and void by the Constitution of the Republic. Any attempt by agents of the old regime of “Canada” to collect such debts or coerce you are now illegal acts, and the perpetrators can be arrested by Republican sheriffs and tried for treason by the common law courts of the new Republic. All banks, credit and money supply are now under the control of the people.
No income tax: Abolished under the new Constitution.
Prosperity: You are eligible to receive up to two hundred hectares of land formerly held by the so called “crown”, as well as a guaranteed annual income from the wealth formerly hoarded by the crown agencies and their super-rich corporate partners.
Justice: You now have direct control over the law and the courts of the land by electing their judges, juries and sheriffs.
Direct Democracy: If you are sixteen years or older, you can now vote in elections every two years to the General Congress and every year to local governing bodies. You can also now recall any elected or non elected public official, judge or sheriff who has violated their oath of office or lost the confidence of the people.
Who is Kevin Annett and what is his role in the Republic?
Kevin is a leader of the common law and Republic movement, and of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). He serves as a special adviser in common law to the Republican government and works actively with many victims of crimes against humanity, in Kanata and around the world. He is also the Convener of District One (West Coast) in the Republic.
Kevin is also a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and award winning author and human rights figure. Born and bred on the prairies and west coast, Kevin is the former United Church minister who first exposed and documented genocide by church and crown in the Indian schools. ( . A biography of Kevin and more information is found at and .
How do I go about joining the Republic and getting involved?
The Republic of Kanata is a fact: as of January 15, 2015, you live within its common law jurisdiction anywhere on the territory of the former “Dominion of Canada”. However, you can declare your formal citizenship within the Republic by taking a Pledge to the Republican constitution and receiving official identification as a member of the Republic, including a passport and citizenship papers. You can also take an oath of office as a sheriff or other public official, and become involved in your local branch and District, by contacting .
Do indigenous nations have to be a part of the new Republic?
No. If any genuine indigenous nation decides unanimously not to be affiliated with the Republic, they may legally secede and establish their own separate nation within the general Federation of the Republic. However, the indigenous nation may not create laws or practices that violate the Constitution and common law of the Republic.
Am I at risk under the new Republic?
There are risks involved in any freedom movement. But the law and the people are with us, and more police are coming over to our jurisdiction every day alongside our growing network of sworn common law sheriffs.
Your liberty and security will be guaranteed the more you make the Republic a reality by your own refusal to participate in the old system called “crown law” and “Canada”. Turn away from the old and reclaim the land, the law and the future, for all of us.
What do I do next?
Take the pledge to the Republic
Join your nearest Republican branch and help educate and mobilize your family and neighbors for the Republic
Stop paying taxes and mortgage payments, and issue our Revocation Order to all government and corporate agencies and agents
Receive training as a common law sheriff or peace officer
Defend your fellow members of the Republic
Issued January, 2015
by the General Congress of the Federated Republic of Kanata
Convened in Winnipeg under Common Law Jurisdiction