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Oct. 3, 2013

Civil Liberties


John W. Whitehead establish The Rutherford Institute. His book, The Change Manifesto: Join the Block by Block Movement to Remake America is a blueprint for action. "The Change Manifesto is a street-by-street, town-by-town guide to making an America that works. Our nation has the potential to be an example of freedom and justice to the world and each of us has the ability to have tremendous impact. In this stirring call to arms, John Whitehead tells the stories of the local heroes who stood up to a cynical government, and who are creating thriving communities of change." 

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Are you suffering the loss of your freedoms because you cannot afford to stand up for your rights in a court of law? You are not alone. Vast numbers of people are being systematically disenfranchised from their rights in a free nation. And most of the people who need legal help cannot afford to pay legal fees. That’s why The Rutherford Institute defends people who have been denied civil and human rights without charging them for such services. The Rutherford Institute exists to ensure that people are treated fairly in the courts and are free to exercise their liberty without fear.

The Rutherford Institute has established a network of state, regional and international affiliates to defend constitutional freedoms. If you or someone you know needs legal assistance, you can call, write, e-mail or use our confidential Online Help Request Form to contact our legal department.

Freedom Watch hones in on the gravest threats to our civil liberties and human rights by highlighting news reports and investigative stories that shine a light on the most serious threats to the Constitution and our freedoms.


Right Reason is a journal dedicated to the application of natural law reasoning to past and current court cases. 


This journal is a project of the Claremont Institute's Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.


This essay was delivered by Hadley Arkes in Washington, D.C. in June, 2011.


The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and its globally affiliated organizations are committed to ensuring the ongoing viability of freedom and liberty in the United States and around the world.

By focusing on U.S. constitutional law, European Union law and human rights law, the ACLJ and its affiliated organizations are dedicated to the concept that freedom and liberty are universal, God-given and inalienable rights that must be protected. 

The attorneys who work with the ACLJ are some of the foremost legal experts on freedom of speech, religious freedom, and human rights law in the world. We have drawn upon their expertise to create a one-of-a-kind repository of legal briefs and information focused on these issues.

Conservative Civil Liberties

The myth that civil liberties are the stock and trade of organizations like the ACLU has been exposed as but a mere memory of days gone by. What "so called" progress achieved by left leaning advocates in the arena of fighting for individual liberty, is relegated to the back corners of history. The true basis for fostering a culture of respect and preservation of citizen rights always reverts to the principles founded in the law, based upon natural rights. The trap that most social advocates fall into is that their reading of history has a significant blind spot. The notion that evolving circumstances are equivalent with a shifting character of rights misses the inalienable constancy of inherent autonomy as the primary principle.  


Renminbi Soon to Be a Reserve Currency

In a provocative examination, financial expert John Mauldin addresses the relationship of the reserve currency status of the U.S. Dollar and the up and coming Chinese Renminbi. His article, The Renminbi: Soon to Be a Reserve Currency?, is an important analysis. The doom and gloom predictions that the dollar is finished gets a rebuttal argument. While this viewpoint may seem a little too late, the actions of the Chinese Inc. continues to lay into place a more prominent international role for their RMB currency.

(Read the entire "Negotium" essay)



BATR Partner Publishers: The Sleuth Journal

The Sleuth Journal is an independent alternative media organization comprised of individuals and groups working to expose true news and corruption worldwide.


It is our intent to connect, educate,  motivate and inspire  those who are interested in alerting the public to the pertinent issues that are affecting our lives and future, each and every day.
We are a community of truth-seekers and peacemakers who share a commitment to nonviolent action and resistance-  to push back against those who wish to suppress and control our lives, and take away our freedoms and civil rights.


We bring you real news from around the world, without the synthetics. Together in sharing the truth, we can challenge the abuses of the establishment.

The Sleuth Journal


Real Reform to Restore a Republic 

Real reform seems virtually unattainable.  Restoring a form of government that was never really established may look even more impossible.  Yet, activists that seek a substantiate form of governance are confronted with the need to become pragmatic about what defines a legitimate government.  In the wake of the latest round of political scandals just what can genuine conservatives do to advocate a common sense alternative to bipartisan criminality?  The first step is to boldly and objectively acknowledge the root flaws in what has become an insane depiction of equalitarian democracy.