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Poofness Report for January 28, 2007

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n and make sure christopher story, get's a piece and add to the sensationalism of it all...which is just confusion without all the details.

At any rate, Condi was not on a vacation in brussels. She had work to do, documents to sign. Due to the constant behavior of certain scurrilous individuals in the middle of this administration, the europeans felt compelled to put them 'in check'. This program/receivers must be held, 'harmless'. This means, they have to leave you alone, no matter where you choose to access. It is to give you an honest shot out of the gate.

Enforcement, arrests, etc, is being done by the international police, group of folks you'll very rarely ever hear of, unless you're a buff of old 60's european movies. I will assure you, they have an office in downtown wash, dc. They're the folks who get things done out here, without headlines, except in certain instances where the public would be served, like when they caught 'the Jackal', a person who was a terrorist before it was in vogue. We like to forget, europe was getting things blown up, long before anything happened over here, they just don't make a lot of noise about how they handle things. They are premier in running down stolen money, which is why a certain bunch of people are in such deep doo doo, in europe.

Never can we just cut to the chase and do the right thing, always with the posturing. In a less civilized society, there'd be no 'negotiations', you'd be summaril y dr ug out of the castle, beaten like you're momma should've, then hung for good measure, as an example, for they who might have admired you. In this case, the guilty arrogantly believe they have an arguing point, you know, like they are doing the world a service being parasites. The only way this thought process can make any sense to you is, by watching junior, as he makes sense out of the lack of common sense. Only he, can fix thousands of years of the 'fertile crescent' being itself. I don't know what god he's talking to but I'm pretty sure, he doesn't have an infinite mind.

The collective have disregarded the Art of War, dooming themselves to the vagaries of history. That which you most sought, has escaped you, much like Coligula, 2000 years ago. I don't pretend to know exactly what they have come up with in dealing the outright guilty, some have immunity, others are, flat out under arrest. I personally, don't care and hav e n o interest in what they do with them, as long as, they are removed out of my way and the cessation of these infernal 'positionings', happens. There isn't anything left but to finish the deliveries, in downpour fashion. Has been for some time now, to tell the truth. This has been like pulling off a bandaid realllllly slow. Yea, I got more drizzles, while this crap has been taking place...and it is crap, after all. The imf guys are all stoked too, as they've finished their prep, refreshed paperwork, met with attorneys, etc. Now everyone is pacing back and forth, hoping it's Really all finished now, the world wants to move on, and in many ways they already are.

I took the last few days away from 'data input'. I wasn't 'here'. Even while I knew of what was taking place in europe, I used the time to take care of the little things, making sure they were cleared out of the way, further reducing my 'to do' list, for departure. I kn ow one thing, however, folks turn themselves inside out, this is the main sticking point and there's no way it can be avoided. No different than those imf programs, we just don't go away, and have to be dealt with, just as surely as one has to eat. Now let's see if they can end this, this week.

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