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Poofness Report - December 17, 2006

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years. Yes, we all know the one stick in the mud has been the finish of this program, which for some has turned into an urban myth. Do remember, after mikey left us, I began telling you about a banking war going on behind the scenes and that we were part and parcel of the outcome. The reason why I always said, no matter what, it HAD to be done. This was never about the glory of the us, it was a survival tool, engineered by the europeans for the uplifting of the euro, and to serve as a bumper mechanism, when the dollar was sent to the basement. What you hear over here is, this is just a minor adjustment or that no one would walk away from the dollar, it is just inconceivable. Well, hello, the inconceivable is happening, the problem over here is, the media isn't telling it...don't want to cause panic. I just saw a picture of a large line in front of a bank in New Jersey, the people were there because they heard china was going to dump the dollar and they wanted some cash in their pockets, in case everything goes south next week. This tells you one thing, people are pulling their news from outside these borders.

Several weeks ago, I was talking about the Chinese running all over europe having meetings with finance ministers and even going into Switzerland, checking on some things. By the time they were finished, they got all the info they needed about how much money had been squirrilled away by american elitists, where their payments were going, they should have had some time

ago, and folks want to know why they are not cooperating with us. The indians(India) already spent the iou's they were holding, while they were still worth something, on their own infrastructure, roads, bridges, etc. The indian finance minister noted at the time, they were never going to get repaid, from what they were looking at, so might as well spend them on something useful. That's been almost 2 years ago! Got any mangos?

A few of weeks later, I hinted about folks being caught with their fingers in the cookie jar over in europe. So let me, just wrap this whole thing up. It was HUGE! Major players along with bankers who conspired with them, crossed a line, in their desperation to recoup some losses, and are now getting their butts handed to them. They tried to do it on our backs. I told you zeus and co, weren't any jokes and when they delivered the word to the bankers about anymore messing around, only an idiot would test those waters. Well there were a 'pack of idiots' and when that trap sprung, it hit the streets in europe and they've been chattering about it ever since. No, this side didn't want us to be paid and have done everything in their power to prevent it, right into outright theivery. What gives me pause is, how arrogant, stupid, ignorant, etc, do you have to be, to think for a second, you could beat the europeans at the game, they invented? In the back of my mind, I see the face of a european banker standing in the blowing snow outside a meeting in Davos, a few years back, saying; "We have been banking for over a thousand years, we know what we are doing" a germanic accent.

The 'pass me not' line was the 15th of this month, 2 days ago. We weren't taken care of and now, the guilty parties are negotiating on just how tough it's going to be on them. They haven't a leg to stand on but they can still be pains in the butt, just because they are who they are. Vermin require extermination if you want a clean house, giving them any of the cheese only encourages them to further breeding.

There are some who think, we will never be paid. Others need to believe it was all a fraud in the first place and my incessant, 'it's coming' was for some purpose to serve myself. Only the people who have had conversations with me or personal contact, know me well enough to know, I have other talents at which I rather be about than grinding out these newsletters every sunday. I gave you my reasons along time ago and those reasons remain in effect. You will continue to be told, in one way or another, there's no problem accessing in this country, I've even pointed you to the gov's own websites that should have set everyone's alarm bells off, that puts my warnings in context. So, some have to just believe it was all fake in the first place, otherwise they are going to have to get off their complacent butts, and act like they have 2 cents in their heads...if they want to keep their money.

The 20th century reality is being dissolved. All the old money games are being made to go away. Exposure is imminent, as Basle 11 goes into effect. No more stealing folk's money hiding it inside of some new code and making off with it. It's the us bankers who complained the loudest as the euro bankers were moving ahead with it 2 years ago. Greenspan's reaction was, what are you whining about, you signed the agreement yourselves, what's the beef? Transparency is scarey if you're used to doing 'off the books' business. Jeeze, doing business fairly is such a problem.

The fingers are on the triggers, globally. We are getting our money, don't even worry about that part. It all comes down to what has transpired this weekend in the 'negotiations' between the winners and the losers, as to that day it finishes. My people have been silent the last few days and I know one of them is right in the middle of the action. Keep watching junior's face, this is one he won't be able to carry off without some additional drugs. This is the economic chaos I talked about all those years ago, as a coming reality. There was only ever 2 ways this was ever going to come out, 'orderly or disorderly chaos'. The europeans prepared for it, the us kept

acting like grasshoppers, 'oh we can just go to the ants if we need food, in the winter'. They were warned over and over again by everyone, you just can't keep borrowing. Even Greenspan spoke it out during one of those hearings. N ow the Chinese told them the gig's up and no one can believe it. Of course, I'm sure they were quite entertained by the size of delegation that came to beg for more meat from the table. My cat would have figure it by now, no more handouts, guess I'll go hunting for a mouse or something. But, this is junior's reality, america is living under and he can't see

colors, everything is either black or white. Anyone notice a change in the Saudi's attitude recently? If you think for one second opec is going to quit selling oil to China, you're living in junior's reality. If you believe the french are going quit the euro, you're living in junior's reality. Once this is over and the imf programs paid out, you'll see exactly what I mean about europe's preparation for these times, and why your participation was an important part of their plan. They aren't going down with the dollar and that's all there is to it. Different than the us, they don't m ind cleaning out their house when they need to....regardless of public stature....especially in the banking industry. You will watch the heads roll, with your own eyes, as everything is adjudicated. Look what Italy did to the execs in Parmalat, when that money went missing, they were put straight in jail, until All the money was 'found'.

Everyone keep their chin up, we weren't sold down the river. The black hats didn't 'win', they lost, really really really bad. They were given the opportunity to bow out gracefully and even give the appearence it was 'their' idea, but for some reason they just couldn't break their bad habits and ended up caught in a trick bag. Well, there's always Paraguay, right? I make no predictions on the day of arrival but I do know that this is it, one way or the other. They are the administrators and this is up to them, how they get it done.

If anyone still needs a consultation for preparation a fter reception, send me an email and we can hook that up. Don't send a bunch of emails at me, my box is blowing up too fast to respond and I do sleep from time to time. I've packed everything in this newsletter that is relevant, it should be here before xmas, but I do not know, under these circumstances, as I have to wait for someone to come out from behind the thick doors. Contributions are needed and accepted at account; Cheers!!!

Love and Kisses,
