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Poof Update 12/31/06

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re's no destination - that's too far

And somewhere on the way,

you might find out who you are

Living in America - eye to eye, station to station

Living in America - hand to hand, across the nation

Living in America - got to have a celebration

Rock my soul

Smokestack, fatback,

many miles of railroad track

All night radio, keep on runnin'

through your rock 'n' roll soul

All night diners keep you awake,

hey, on black coffee and a hard roll

You might have to walk the fine line,

you might take the hard line

But everybody's working overtime

Living in America - eye to eye, station to station

Living in America - hand to hand, across the nation

Living in America - got to have a celebration

I live in America, help me out,

but I live in America,

wait a minute

You might not be looking for the promised land,

but you might find it anyway

Under one of those old familiar names

Like New Orleans (New Orleans),

Detroit City (Detroit City), Dallas (Dallas)

Pittsburg P.A. (Pittsburg P.A.),

New York City (New York City)

Kansas City (Kansas City),

Atlanta (Atlanta), Chicago and L.A.

Living in America - hit me

Living in America - yeah,

I walk in and out

Living in America

I live in America - state lines,

gonna make the prime, that

I live in America - hey,

I know what it means, I

Living in America - Eddie Murphy, eat your heart out

Living in America - hit me, I said now, eye to eye,

station to station

Living in America - so nice, with your bare self

Living in America - I feel good!

Greetings and Salutations;

What an underscore to the end of an era, a time when americans could sit down and argue about something without being called a subversive, a terrorist, or unpatriotic. We were, after all, neighbors. So we send off, Gerry Ford, James Brown, and Saddam Hussein(????) Three icons of the 20th century, btw the Saddam was a 'friend' in those days. I always find the ironies during such times.

Yes, I read the latest from Story. Now, it's not like anyone has called me and given me any specifics on what's happening in europe, but I do know 'something' is going on, and for at least 2 weeks. I can tell by my own contacts and their refusal to answer certain questions. I remind you that a line was crossed on the 15th of dec, and this is about ending the 20th century world of banking, the final curtain pulled down as we enter the 21st.

I started catching deliveries on fri and more came on sat. In the middle of this self-created financial fiasco, there remains a drive to stability, despite it. Everyone keep your powder dry on the countries in europe reissuing their national currencies. (No one is outwardly admitting it yet) Keep a hold of the big picture and try not to get distracted by the goblins along the path. One side would like nothing better than to see europe blow apart, the euro go down in flames. Gotta little problem tho, it's use is expanding everywhere, as the 'go to' currency, as the dollar is seen as going down in flames. No amount of political rhetoric can change people's perception around the world, if you're not producing, on the ground. As survival issues come up for each nation around the world, each one looks out for themselves, and makes 'adjustments' accordingly.

Sometime ago, you'll probably remember, I used to say, 'the us doesn't run the world, it just thinks it does'. What you are about to witness is, exactly what I meant. In the middle of the mix, this program will continue to be delivered, even as very important people decide how 'things' are going to be from this point we are a very important equation in the balance of we represent the euro punching thru into reserve status. Something that was planned, and will last for at least the next 5 years, as global stability is established, before the next economic shift happens back to metal backed currency, which is, after all, the 'natural' flow of things. Derivatives are going to create one bank failure after the next, as all this sordid business is put to bed. Another reason I have said 'be cool' after you receive, 'until the dust settles'. If there weren't going to be a lot of bank failures, the imf wouldn't have been running around europe for the last 3 years, setting up new banks like hamburger stands. This is what, 2006/7? The world is overdue for the rebirthing of the 'new tools', all of which can be aimed straight at this administration for their attempt to avoid the adjustment, which painfully has to occur. No gov 'likes' these things, but nature makes them happen. We have nearly 3,000 years of written history to check as to what happens when a country erodes their own infrastructure, starting with debasing their own currency. Start with Greece and come to our times, it's never failed. Nature doesn't fail folks, humans do. Why can't anyone seem to 'get it'? If you can't flow with the natural progression of things, you become too 'stiff', and the winds of time overwhelm the rigidity. Same thing goes for religions, by the way.

We who have single units coming to our homes, will be the last, no matter what year/s we entered. A goodly sum of us will get ours' at the same time, as we were thinking of others and wanted to 'help out' where we could. While a part of me 'regrets' some of those decisions, it is as it is, just don't be falling asleep and slobbering on my shirt during the flight, ok? I like to fly the window seat and I don't get up much so, if you 'swim' when you sleep, please turn to the left, if you feel like you're going to sleep(I like the right side of the plane).

Ok, that's about it. Whomever got theirs' in the midwest, cali, and in the south, great! Get going and don't be standing around! I'm coming outta here with afterburners blowing, highly irritable and impatient, and don't talk to me! Now once we land...Oh, it's 'on' then!!!!

Consultations are still available. In case anyone is wondering, the reason I keep pointing to europe for 'protection' is because I have entirely too much info about what's going on in this hemisphere, and I don't even care what the Sov Soc has to say about central america. Until there is some sort of 'finish' to the ever growing influence of the us through out this hemisphere, I'm keeping my money out of their jurisdictional area of influence. Sorry, they've given me no reason to trust them. The only reason they left Belize and the Cayman Islands alone is, because of who has their money there(Greenspan for example) and the brits, just like bermuda(bush). As I've said many times, 'this is what I'm doing, everyone else can do as they choose'.

Any fees or contributions are handled thru account or emailing this address for the land address.

Hugs and Kisses, ya'll!
