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Poof Report - May 20, 2007

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the distance, sent by the winds, yet my crops still need a good watering to break thru the surface...much like the Nile for the crops of ancient Egypt.

Oh yea, I've heard the stuff about, arrests being made, and all of that, but not from anyone inside the machine, so it stays in the rumor category for me. My people shut their mouths and have refused any attempts at contact with them. That is one of the things that makes me question, the arrests stuff. They have never Not spoken up if there was a problem. Bad news always travels the fastest out here. What I have been able to determine is, the folks in charge of distribution, are being extremely tight lipped with any info headed in the direction of the us. Can't really blame them for all the crap that had been created by this side. Things they've had to clean up off of some very clean marble floors.

Meanwhile, China dropped a stink bomb, after the markets closed on Friday, which I'm sure has many on wall street dying for Monday morning to get here. I'm laying in a link that will give you a perspective on how important this is and why folks are extremely nervous;

Good thing, I checked my email while I was writing this. I see Joel of FOO fame has dropped a big stink bomb out here too. Don't be sending me emails for a comment on his 'considerable investigation'. If I said it once, I've said it a million times, there is not nor ever was a program called omega, that any of you got into. If you believe him, so be it. Unless you are somebody with a need to know and papers that go with that, you can call any federal agency you choose, and you will get the same response, he and his 'investigators' did. As the FBI said, 'this case is closed, our resources have been shifted to homeland security'. Or like they told magro, 'you Do Know this has international implications? Thank you'...basically at that point, telling him to have a nice life..seeya. Once you cross the water, you enter a whole other zone of banking and investment. I wouldn't want anyone to walk this walk I've walked, if I could, I'd wave my hand, and have you forget about it

until they finished. It's entirely too tough trying to explain behavior in the global sense. That's why the newsletter is entitled as it is. Just remember, I always told you there was more to this than, 'crazy 'did I do that?' clyde', aka 'twinkle toes'. Yes, I have the transcript of the trial. I wanted to know how he was going to respond after he broke every rule he was given and hiring one of the BIG law firms in Texas, thanks to the vice pres of Dell computers, when his rule breaking came back and bit his butt. MK said, he just wanted to look in his face, so he could figure out what his was doing, during the pre lims. I've talked to his real partner and let's just say, his hummingbird butt got bigger than his alligator mouth. You don't mess around in the big game, especially when you are given instructions on a 3rd grade level. If my future depended on CH or MK or any other human, I would have found an acceptable exit from this edge of the milky way galaxy. Now that's

all I have left to say on that subject.

Now before I was interrupted by the interior decorator, I was attempting to get a point across. That is that, everything going on out here, has direct bearing on how the receivership goes. You can't move vast hordes of money out here without effect on the whole. Since I know, Europe and china, are hand in hand in the eventualities and both knowing the component this thing represents in the overall, I must allow them to complete this matter, as they see fit. It's their butts on the line out here in the global situation. Looking at what is obvious in the big global market, both of them better move their posteriors, mach schnell! You can only finesse so long, then if you don't act at the right moment, you end up regretting your reticence. You can never make everyone happy, it's an impossibility, it's called human nature. Get over it. This 12 year old ,that is in my charge has brought all those things back up. It doesn't matter what you do, how well you did it, somebody

doesn't like it. Until somebody starts walking on water, in public, out here.....we've got to work with what we know.

What I know is, the world is about to go sideways out here, global economic chaos is in the offing. You are being told all sorts of things about our economic condition, that's because they know you aren't going to look, you are way to busy trying to survive this insanity....besides all that market stuff is way too boring. Yet all of these things have to do with American survival in this century. Many the readers can't hang anymore, it's all a fraud, forget about it, we're all going to hell in a hand basket, 'god save the queen'. Well I hope you did some deep thinking, because somebody is going to have to plant some potatoes and other crops, to make it thru this mess. Only the mentally strong will be making it thru this, even with packy in hand...I joke Not. I'm now very glad I was bored to death by the tales of '29 when I was growing up, at least they told me how to survive a scenario like this. Now this is for we folks who have heavy boots on, and have no doubt, we'll get

out of here before the roof drops on everyone's head; make sure you have things in order for a quick departure, ignore the flak, keep your heads down, and keep your council about yourself. No one is even trying to tell anyone 'what day'...people are receiving when they are receiving. I hope, I pray, they'll 'dump' the rest and quit with the finessing...there sure isn't anything left to do but dump, so, dump now, profile in your mirror, later.

All word coming from any sector in the 'dumping of all money now' category, is saying the same thing and they are All of the same mind set as the rest of us, just give us our money and let's move on. Too bad our interior decorator never had a conversation with the IMF guys who've been standing around, getting their papers refreshed from time to time, who know very well, they are waiting on us to be out of the way, she might have learned something. (oh please, yes I do know)

I'm here until you see the 'I'm not here message' coming from this email address. I have continued to do consultations, and the information remains 'dead on it', so don't get distracted by the recent admixtures of confusing data. The BIS is a good old boys club for central bankers not for we of the lowly. The truth is, they aren't even a don't be looking for any checks from them. I'm willing to wager, a goodly sum of regular bankers don't even know who the bis is...they don't need that information in their daily duties, it's got nothing to do with them or their job performance. Email me if you need a consult. Donations are needed and accepted thru account .

Take care ya'll, may we meet in a high place, over yonder. We have much to do but at least we can enjoy a little Borolo and a Tuscan steak, and maybe some 'pesce', as we consider our next moves, yes? Bella Sera

Love and Kisses,
