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Poof Report, August 2, 2007

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ike an intelligent, well-read, informed person, but his latest update was so disappointing when he mentioned such bizarre makes me think that he is not credible. That leaves us with nobody but you as a messenger of info....a credible one in my opinion. Is there any chance that you will be updating more than once a week if "things" are going to happen very soon?

Thanks for all you do,


----- Original Message -----



Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 11:59 AM

Subject: Re: Frustrated

B, Because I've been around so long and laid down a steady dose of sanity(some would call boring) of how things really operate, I've left it up to the lenders themselves to decide how they want to proceed. I've found that getting in the middle of the insanity coming from thoses yahoos, only produces screaming and hollaring because they 'need' to be matter how insane they sound. My thing is to be accurate, not 'right'. You packy is on the way, right now, the trustees are moving as fast as they can to end this. I checked last night and that's coming from the german trust itself. Don't worry. They are moving down thru the input levels to the bottem of the heap where the bulk of us are. Just remember, these trustees have to coordinate deliveries across the entire planet, not just the us. They are crossing every t, and dotting every i, as they don't want any errors or have to repeat anything. That's the germain way. p >