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Poofness Report for December 10, 2006

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me. Could be, they don't like encrypted mail.

Now, you have to know, I've gotten my share of those 'messages' floating out here...somebody has sent me copies of everything, at one point or another. So I'm just going to address this business, in bulk. Then one way or another, you'll get a copy of this newsletter, whether your service likes this address or not.

People like to tell me what I don't understand or what I don't comprehend about our receivership. One more time, I've been involved before most of these folks even knew of the true existence of this thing, so I'll not be spoken down to by anyone. This is not about opinions, it's about the 'facts', most of which are highly uncomfortable to deal with in the first place. If I have an opinion, I'll note it as such, and I have plenty believe me. I'm no one's blind follower. Got kicked out of kindergarten because I wouldn't play. (that's humor, now)

I always find how that 'bad news' always travels faster and is believed quicker than 'good news'. I stated along time ago, I wouldn't be promoting fear thru my writings. There's much I get, longbefore you all get some funky message in your email, that makes your hair fall out. I just don't print it. You can't do anything about it in the first place, what's the use? I concentrate on the job getting done, not all the nasty business going on out here. You get told about what some bunch of scared losers in the global game have done but they never tell you really what's been done to confront and deal with it. This is way above some bunch of attorneys trying to do something. This would never get done, if that's all you have working in your behalf.

Here I go back to the base, to address the issue. I use the term 'zeus and co' because I don't like putting people's names out here and somehow, stroke my ego. I don't need it, thank you very much. There's lots of other out here who are calling out names. Go ahead, but for the most part, if you are naming somebody, you are only touching the fringes, the 'worker bees', if you will. The bulk of the power remains in the hands of nameless and faceless people you will most likely never know or see. They talk to each other between the rows of a vineyard somewhere, or sitting on boat, where no one else is even remotely close to them. It's their version of a business meeting.

All these folks, you're hearing about are, 'farm hands' in comparison to the people I refer to. Even the queen of england is an 'across the tracks' person to who I refer to. So where does that leave bush senior? Well, he broke the cardinal rule of thinking he could beat the rothschilds, at their own game, as he had been advised by his mentor, d. rockefeller. He bet, and he lost. Personally, I think he must have been so concentrated on becoming the 'Kennedys' or the 'Vanderbilts', he missed some simple stuff. They know how the world is run and they know their place in it....regardless of their wealth. Rocky had a legitimate power play going because his daddy was actually involved in the creation of the fed, with the rothchilds, via JP Morgan. Bush doesn't have the pedigree to challenge them, or the wherewithall. Mitterand, the former president of France, found out that simple thing when he took one of their banks and 'nationalized' it. In no time at all, they had a new one up and running. The family houses combined rather rapidly, as true families do. What I find most interesting is how these crazy messages that go flying out here, never go above a certain range of planetary tho the ruling families are nonexistent or have no teeth to straighten out the farm hands, when they start misbehaving and start making a mess of the world. They have children and there's no way, they are letting some 'upstarts' mess it up for them. Even the rothschilds have to take orders from them. Sorry folks but my level of input came from way above the nosebleed seats and it is they who told the rothschilds 'get rid of the fed, or you'll go down with it'. Bush and Cheney, haven't a prayer in hell of taking these folks down. Upon what they have created do these people exist. They are the parents who have looked upon the children and found them 'unfitting' to continue running the world. Even red china, has a family over the gov's head.

It is their will, this program is put in your hands. No amount of dodging and manipulation of currency is going to change that. What you are seeing surfacing is what happens when people forget who their betters are. You're not hearing it in the news in the states, yet it is commonly known and spoken about in europe, the derivative game is a of about a week or so, ago. There's where all those stupid amounts of trillions you are hearing about is coming from. What the familes are doing is sending them down into the hell, they created for all we 'peons'. The man in charge of discharging the fed is also a part of supporting the euro into reserve currency status, as is the will of the families. It will be that way, for about 5 years, until the dust settles and they are ready to engage 'metal' again. So watch where you are investing in the near term future. Little known is, it was the IMF that helped them put everything together for moving the world over to the euro!

When you access in europe, use banks with no storefront in the us, such as Duetche bank, Credit Suisse, HSBC, and of course, BoA. The world of banking has change drastically and they are most likely, going down because they didn't take the advice given by the European Central Bank, and minimize their exposure to 'dollar based assets'. Anybody happen to notice that the ECB just raised their interest rates? Now if they were exposed to our economy as everyone likes to think they are,their moves would have been a bit different. Ahh, but Greenspan testified to their differences,but who listened? They are controlling the heat on the euro, as more and more move their assets into euro based holdings. Wall St is virtually dumping everything they have over here, while junior continues to tell you how great this economy is, 'scuse me dude, I'm watching the money move and you are full of it!' Gates and those guys are exchanging on a 40% hit on their dollar holdings just to move to euros! Old man Bush did a deal a number of months ago, where he took a 40% discount to move a trillion us to get into euros.

Now folks, more has been going on than what you're hearing. The countries involved have been paid this past week, as your hearing not a thing is happening or don't expect to see anything til feb or whatever. The point of these messages are to keep you confused, get you to so something stupid, like once you get your package, sit here and wait til feb, expecting another package for the european part. If some of you would just trot down to your local banker and ask, you'd find out, they wouldn't send anyone a debit card with millions or billions on it! Stop sitting their like victims or deer caught in the headlights and put stock in this insanity. They WANT you to Fail, they want you to let bushy boy seize your funds under some 'civil forfeiture...national security' ploy. That's the game, so give your head a shake, clear the cobwebs, and 'recognize' the game being played on you. I know this has been difficult and so many of you are in 'immediate' need, but that's still no reason to give up your common sense and make yourself a victim. I've told you for years, this is a war. The losers are battling all they can to survive. Hey, google the world court on monday and see if ms higgins actually left her presidency. Just because somebody tells you something, doesn't mean it's a fact, even reagan said, 'trust but verify'.

Keep your powder dry out here, if you're going to read the rumors, be prepared to hear all kinds of things. I got people on the ground everywhere. Some in places few would believe only because, I'm looking out for all of you, that's my job, that's why I came back to this country, against my 'druthers'. I certainly didn't want to. I know all about the new world order, I know more aboutblack on black ops than I will ever discuss in an open forum. I tell you what I do, so you'llsurvive this mess, these idiots created in their endeavor to control the whole planet. I willcontinue to tell you, they ain't as big and bad as they make themselves out to be. They are just vicious animals concerned about trying to survive, that's all. You whip there butts by ignoring them and walking away, as they can't survive without you, placating to their demands of obedience. Read the Iraquois articles of confederation, compare it to the Code of Hammarubi, and you'll see something that tells you that this land and all other lands have destiny that no amount of despots can stop, basic truth that lies in each of our hearts. Certain truths cross all borders regardless of language or religions.

These things are recoginzed by the Families as 'immutable' and for their own continuance, they are driving them thru whatever nutness the farm hands have been creating. It's like if I told you, the 'boston tea party' wasn't about the tea, you drink, it was about the opium the 'east india tea company' was trying to introduce to the early european settlers to get them to subjugate themselves to the crown of england? Don't believe it? Guess what? It's true! These families have been involved in every nasty thing that has been going on out here, but it was the eyes of their grandbabies, thatbroke them down and made them recognize, 'you can't keep this going, you have to stop it and do the right thing'. So, all I'm saying is, it's the farm hands that are having the hard time with, 'it's all over'. CFR, the Crown, Bilderburgs, name them, the gig's up and a brand new world is afoot. Conform to a new reality or find yourself 'disappeared'. Even DeBeers has changed it's business practices.

We're not going to hell in a hand basket, no matter what it 'looks like'. You don't think they are going to step up to public forum and tell you do you? They aren't. Take that pack when it arrives, walk away, secure your future, and become the future of this planet, by caring about folks that breathe the same air you do. Let the folks that need our childrens' blood to survive, become very loney and enemic.

Anyone noticed that Cheney has disappeared again? Now, his gay daughter is pregnant, I guess he's preparing a statement...see, these people are nuts, they can't even admit what's on video tape that came out of their own mouths, how screwed up is that? His wife wrote a book about lesbian affairs

and couldn't even stand behind what was clearly in print and what she got paid for, like we are all stupid. I, personally, don't care, but for God's sake, will you just stand up and tell the truth???? You wrote it! My english teachers would tell you, 'he does very well with languaging...mispelling from time to time, but the content is noticed and present'. They didn't know there was stick leaning in a corner, in my house. One of the reasons, I didn't need to carry an fulls of books home. My dad wasn't an interrogator, he'd just better have results. If he had to ask 'why', it was over. That's the type of mentality driving your packies to you. So as you hear all these crazy messages, just remember, someone just like my dad, is handling things.

Alright now, stay loose and don't get wrapped up in the insanity messages. As I have told you, there's one debit card enclosed, (you're going to find out anyhow when you receive), it'll get you there, but it's not going to have millions on it. It's what you 'need'...if you are afraid of your relatives in europe, shame on you, you can't help anyhow. Stay here and let the rest of us do what needs being done. I do not include the infirm or the elderly, I'm directing this at you 'hardheaded, think you can get these idiots out of this mess they created folks' who are determined to put your money into taxes to support these brokeheaded idiot, folks. You can't or won't see and you will be of no help anyhow, so you will deserve exactly what happens, as they take you your money without so much as a 'how do you do?'

Contributions are receivable at account or by emailing this email address for the land address. Consultations are handled in the same way.

Love and Kisses,
