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From the Desk of the Unknown - Sept. 4, 2007

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le and in different countries.


We hear daily "It's coming"...."Tomorrow"....."Tuesday"...."Anytime".

We pass that info on to you.

Then......a snake rears up out of the pits of Hell...and the process gets' Stopped.

That STOP Order..may only be hours this THING changes HOURLY at this point.

Nevertheless...the STOP order has an effect on the timing.

You and I....and ALL OTHERS.....are NOT involved in the actual THICK of THINGS.

We are associated in the fringe areas--and can catch small glimpses into the Main areas...but are not directly associated to that Inner Circle.....

Since we are Not privy to ALL the inner-workings.....we don't have a COMPLETE understanding of ALL that goes on behind the red velvet drapes.

We "hear" information....sometimes that info is so's hard to believe!

It sounds like a Cartoon Strip....or a Bad Fairy Tale at times.

Some of the info is so totally absurd that it's hard to digest!

Just remember this........

This IS the first and LAST time this will be done.

This IS a fight to the End.

The people that are DIRECTLY involved DO NOT want to be exposed.

They do not want their dirty laundry hung on the line for the WORLD TO SEE.

They do not want to loose their Money Cow/Machine the Fed Resv.

They do not want to confess their Past sins....from 1913 to Now.

They do not want to loose control of their power.

China...wants that power.

China is owed $1.3 TRILLION in Debt by US.

This WAR is a fight to the Death.

The Death of the Fed.

The birth of the Treasury.

The wipe out of all debt instruments written under the Fed Resv. ie: Credit Card..Mortgage...Student Loans...Car notes...Signature loans...DEBT.

The institution of the Constitution.

The cleaning out of the SWAMP/ CESSPOOL.

The list above is just the tip of an iceberg.....


This is no Simple Little Undertaking.

This isn't about getting 336,000 packages delivered in the US.

IT IS about...............

Delivering those 336,000 packages...and what happens after the delivery.

What is PROJECTED to happen......IS THE LIST FROM ABOVE.

Not an easy task to undertake.

There is allot at stake...allot at risk for those fine folks involved.

Every country around the globe is impacted by this shift from the Fed to the Treas.

Think just for a the logistics of this entire project.

From Delivery to Restructuring and introducing a new financial/banking system.

This is where we stand.

THEY--the fellas with the pad of STOP ORDERS....are not going down without a kicking screaming fight.

In every Cock Rooster will win.

The fight continued this Tuesday morning....and everyone held their breath for the day...waiting for developments.

Historically, this fight has gone on daily...with the Stop/Delay tactics

That is why you hear..."it's Coming"....Tomorrow" etc.

IT IS COMING...then it gets stopped/delayed.


The info coming out of the Hen House at this hour is " TOMORROW." ( Wednesday)

The "green light": was given.......again.

So..let's see IF the boys are ready to hang that nasty dirty laundry on the line for all to see...and to get us our packages as promised.

IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME -----their bubble is about to burst...and splatter it's contents