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Poof Update - June 17, 2007

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l not be splashed all over the ship, when it's your turn, it will be an individual call to your cabin only. There's a reason for that and I pray you use the common sense God gave you before, you put Your business out over the airwaves. This is a good time to stop acting like an american, who likes to 'billboard' everything they do.

I have no idea why, in view of everything this government is doing in recent years and months, anyone would think it would be cool to broadcast, all over the planet, their private business. If you don't know it, you must've been asleep in wonderland, as anything you send across the web can be seen by millions of people in 5 minutes, no matter who you think you just sent it to, 'only'. I've known this for years, which is why I write these cryptic newsletters. You expose your email address, which automatically exposes your home address because you've already put all your personals on the web, when you signed up for that email address. I didn't and never have. How do you think I came up with all these imaginative names and locations for addresses...I was 'thinking' and don't trust these folks out here, no matter what they say. They already proved they don't have my best interests in mind, a long time ago. What, and you're getting some money? Some folks remember, I told it years ago, Both sides are monitoring, even calling for updates when ch and mk, were still operating. As the youngins' say nowadays, 'act like ya know'. Send ya to school, buy ya books, whatdya do? Eat the pages! Think it's cool? We'll see how things roll for you, acting ignorant. No need to be paranoid but you Do need to keep things close to the chest and quit trying to save the world, it's not your job, nor did anyone ask you to. You have enough to do, just taking care of your own business. That was the last time, I will say a word about being secure for your future.

Poofness is about to cut out and, as far as, I know, the end of my sunday sermons. There's nothing further to say anyhow. The rest is up to the principals to 'git 'r done'. I've been patching info thru since they were ready to start in 2003. It's all on them to save their own butts in this process. Anyone with half a brain knows the global economy is ready to detonate, for all the patchwork good times messages that gets put out here. Trot out greenspan and make it seem ok, then some other brain comes out and calls it all 'BS'....sending folks into another quandry. Hello...does anyone smell the rotten fish reeking in the atmosphere? Not in america, anyhow, because america can do anything and the rest of the world, all nearly 6 billion of them, will say it's 'ok'. We'll just keep eating your debt and ya'll keep buying humvees, might know ya need them. Anyone notice the foreclosure %'s? Tell me we ain't looking straight down the barrel of a crash and I got a bridge to sell you in NY! Boy howdy George, you said the gov'ment needs to be run like a business and by golly you did it, just like your's. Trouble is, daddy can't get you out of this one, his saudi buddies have already bailed, along with Haliburton, sorry mole man.

Alrighty then, I'll catch some of you all bouncing around over yonder, as you appreciate your new found freedom...I'll be the most unlikely person you'd think I am, as I grin at you sitting at a nice outside table at the cute restaurante. Ciao!

If you need me, catch me before I go...but I'm not going to be answering daily emails, about some rumor that's out here floating. You folks in dotson and freedom need to contact your uplines, it's been enough getting proper info on the big one, and they have a different protocol anyhow. Standard contact info applies, account for consultations or donations...but I don't expect you to put your private consult on the web, so don't ask me if it's ok to record...enough of that crap. BTW, thank you all for your participation, both supportive and detracting. It's made me sharp as a tack and ready to deal with giants.

Love and Kisses,
