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ecstasy...There was a light sorrounding every person I saw. And I felt a powerful energy of love. It was a powerfull expectation, like little kids that knew what would be happen next. And suddenly, someone shauted: NESARA has been aproved!!! NESARA is real and has been aproved!!!. EVerybody started to laugh and shout and celebrate while the whole vibration of people grew in love and light. And the dream finished when people was taking others hands, like a golden chain of peace. Does this dream sounds like a "hippie" vision? maybe, but this dream y dreamed was real for my that night. Obiusly at the next morning I ran to read Fourwinds to see the NESARA confirmation and when I saw another "delay" I just smiled and understood that NESARA is already done but humanity still doesnt understand the power of VISION.

To see something perfectly clear and done is to manifest (basic alchemy). For me NESARA is already done, it is just waiting for us to open the doors of 3D dimention. Every night since the petition was made several months ago I work with the AScention belt sorrounding Earth Shan and the NESARA sign moving in orbit arround it, like a satelite. I cant believe people who reads fourwinds has not focused his/her energy every day in manifestation of NESARA and Ascention of Urantia/Earth least try to visualize the Violet Fire cleaning war zones, disaster zones, iluminati hearts and minds etc....Keep on warriors of light!! we are rowing together in this tremendous ship. We are in the right team of sailors of the cosmos. Imagine: Sananda is one of the captains...what other sign do we need to realize that we have won this adventure?? I hope everybody can understand that the dream I had was not a dream, it was a vision, a premonition, a was a testimony, I was there not dreaming with NESARA but testifiyng its manifestation in a higher dimention, or maybe it was a premonition. I wish you all can see and share this "dream" and fill your hearts with hope and faith. From MExico, Tenochtitlán: Said Alegria
