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Update from Casper - Dec. 28, 2006


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y deliveries claiming, as always, "this money belongs to us".

Please remain aware that those who bring you news, through Casper, are on your side and are in fact in the programs themselves and have been at this for as many as 20 years in some cases, 10 years or so on average. Hundreds of sources have, over time, been narrowed to those who have access to behind the scenes news from worldwide sources who are involved in one way or another with what goes on daily, even hourly. At first this messenger was used as a method to keep widely disparate sources informed of what the other "compartmentalized" sources could not communicate directly to each other. Later, the actual blow by blow of secret meetings discussed herein found it's way into meetings of the World Court, the Supreme Court, Finance Ministers’ meetings and others. How do we know this? Because those present told us about it. More recently this communiqué has been used to bring you the anticipated schedule for deliveries and announcements. Always the goal was to bring accurate and timely "secret" information to you. Why? Because knowledge is power and the more knowledge we collectively possess the more powerful we are collectively. Why is that important? Because the struggle between the New World Order and the new system continues even as we speak and our deliveries and the announcements hang in the balance. It's the status quo vs. the new worldwide treasury banking system. The takeover of the FED RES by the UNITED STATES TREASURY, not the "corporate" treasury led by PAULSON and his band of thieves at GOLDMAN SACHS. Above and beyond the banking change announcements, it involves the CONSTITUTION vs. the UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. The bad guys have constructed a world which they literally own and control. Funding of the 200+ domestic programs and the 1000+ IMF/HUMANITARIAN programs removes, to a great extent their control of us and of the world. When GW signs off "no more interference" he sends first one then another of his accomplices to continue the blockage.

All that having been said, deliveries were scheduled last Friday and Saturday, blocked and rescheduled Tues/Wed the 26th and 27th. They were blocked again then rescheduled today, blocked and now rescheduled for tomorrow, Friday the 29th. This may sound simple to you, as if it is the same thing day after day but it is not. It's a different situation each day requiring our guys to overcome the blockage created by GW and his accomplices. At this moment they have again been overcome. Will they do something else tonight? We don't know but rest assured the good guys are forcing this to a successful conclusion and that fact alone tells you that the good guys have the “gravitas” and the power to deal with the snake with many heads.

Look for deliveries tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 29, 2006
