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To U.S. Supreme Court Judges: Come And Follow Me

By Christopher Blatto

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the ladder and go up and up to grow as far as we can according to our choice or decision; when we are in the certain high, or higher, or highest level, then, we look down and find that a fear which appears or becomes certain small, or smaller, or smallest level -- its depends on you what you have become with your new growth/desire-courageous and strongest, etc. You get an idea.

I would like to share my experience story with you in hopes that this may help you all to reconsider your position concerning NESARA that you all were going to authorize the true White Knights to announce NESARA but you all did not due to your fear from the dark-agenda Illuminatis useless threats against you all. Here is my story:

First of all, I am profound Deaf. The cause of my deafness was unknown. Nevertheless, I love everything about being DEAF myself. Its really COOL (Smiles). Its necessary to say that English language is my second language so I will do my best to write this. Thank you for your understanding. Now, in 1997, about one year and half after my wife Dorothys pass away from brain cancer, I was sleeping upstairs in my two-bedroom apartment. (Well, let me step back for a moment, its to make a long story short is that I have been and still am dealing with a psychic hallucination or garbage and force or energy powerful since 1981 - its a non-stop, 24-hour daily experience except when I fall sleep during my bedtime or nap. It's beyond to comprehend what I have been going through in struggling and struggling during all days and all nights for years...until that time, in 1992, I become stronger and know how to stay in focusing with a positive thought/love daily as well as to learn to pretend that a negative psychic hallucination/garbage does not exist in my mind and body in spite of that that they are threated and frightened me constantly because I recognize my own positive-power and LOVE thoughts greatly to survive as well as to enjoy my life. It does work beautiful as well as I gradually lose interesting in these negative, non-stop psychic powers. In other words, they are merely like a mosquito that I can tolerate with and ignore it since I am used to it as well.)

Anyway, like I said before, while I was sleeping, my head or mind was felt like an explosive (it happens often due to the psychic energy pressure in my head and body being acted up during my sleeping). I usually reacted and raised up like a lightning consciously and somehow I experienced an unusual powerful sensation in my head. Although it was unusual experience, however, I thought it was nothing new to me as far as I was concerned so I went about to sleep again and then, I saw something very odd on my pillow and there was a shattered, piece of glasses on it; I was puzzled what was that and where it came from. Had it fall down by itself? -- I did not remember that if I had a glass thing on the top of the desk which besides the mattress on the floor where I used to sleep. So, I turned the lamp light on but it did not work and I went to the bathroom and flipped to turn the light on but it also did not work. I assumed that the power was failure --it happened several times. It was no big deal as far as I was concerned, you know. All I needed to do was to go to the main control outside to switch the power on. So, I went downstairs and reached in the first floor and was proceeded to turn around and walked directly toward to the back door in the kitchen room, at this point I was dumbfounded and unbelievable when I saw the back door was break-in and opened and the window was shattered all over the floor and the frames of it were discarded onto the floor, too. I realized that I was attacked or assaulted with a glass thing in my head as well as I also realized that my reaction must have gotten an assailant's guard off and ran away. No doubt about it.

Later, it was identified as a bottle of whiskey with a thick glass at the bottom of it, you know. Needless to say, I was shocked and my self esteem and faith were lost completely. Again, its to make a long story short is that after I got home from the hospital for x-ray test that indicated that I was normal. I was alone and cried emotionally. It was good to do that-- a psychological health. Then, it was strange that I was not thinking about what had happened to me becauseI was thinking about the females who were being raped or assualted and how they felt what they were going through after they experienced! I now know the feelings what they felt. I felt my stomach turned sour and then, I experienced that my sense of balance was irregular while I was walking around plus my negative psychic powers disturbance to deal with as explained. It was a real, unexpected challenge for me. So, you know what? I accepted to start all over to plant with a NEW seed to focus with my positive thought and LOVE powers in order to SUPPORT/STRENGTH myself just like a spider building a web again and again and again rather than in focusing to overcome a negative physical assault experience. I said in prayer: I choose you, my God, in my life regardless therefore I forgave a person who attacked me because I couldn't do anything about it since it was done and finished. It was not important and useless as far as I was concerned. It was better for me to move on and go beyond it immediately since I needed that the negative energy from the physical assault to be released through my acceptance and LOVE so I can be freely to focus to build the other, new positive one because I needed nothing but ME because my body needed me, as the SPIRIT, and my LOVE to take care of ME NOW, not later nor I seek a consolation from anybody.

The reason for my attitude like that is that because I know that I have my/our own God/Beloved Mighty I AM Presence and, especially, ME so therefore I know what to do, thusly, I did not waste my time to do something about it: Accept and let that incident go unconditionally and focus myself to heal without being expressed angry or think about it, otherwise my psychic powers challenge would acted up negatively and would experience another horrible attack to deal with --its unaviodable as far as I am concerned so it's no, no, no choice but I know better [I pat my own back]. So, that's why my positive-thoughts/LOVE daily choice is almost now part of my being naturally. For instance, I could not sleep for 24 hours many times ever since 1981 after I experienced a psychic hallunication/garbage, all I had to do was, most of the time, going to take a good, hot bath and thought about what I have a good life and gave my thanks to my God and Myself, and even made a plan ahead positively. Then, I went about to do with my life and never expressed angry, upset or made a complaint because of that.

Anyway, after I cleaned up the mess, I did not call my family and/or my friends about my incident. I just went to the Jackson's All American Sports and Grill to watch my favorite football team, Buffalo Bills. I am smiliar to the Buffalo Bills team because they kept coming back for four consecutive years in attempted to win a Super Bowl game and they did not win all of them, though. Nevertheless, the point is that the Buffalo Bill players who did not have had a quit-mentality attitude because they believe in themselves so likewise with me!!! They were true awesome and success team! Dont you agree? (Smiles). Anyway, why did I watch the game after I experience the incident like that? You see, it was the matter of my choice to decide what I could do for me that would bring me to enjoy and happy in spite of that so I did it. In other words, what would LOVE do? Since we all are LOVE BEINGS whether or not we know or realize. We all can make a difference. We all decide every moment and everyday. The following day, I went to work outside cleaning around the apartment complex regardless that my sense of balance was not in good condition as well as I never missed to work daily after that incident. In the addition, every night before I retired, I prayed for the healing and then, I moved the mattress against the door to protect myself and know that one day I would get healed. With my determination, I never looked back whatsoever.

Two or three weeks later, I counseled my Deaf woman friend how to deal with her rape experience. She chose not to heal herself since she was angry about it. Since, she did not listen to me reasonably so I finally told her about my physical assault experience and she was shocked to learn and disbelief because she saw nothing unusual about me--it was beyond her comprehension. Well, as far as I am concerned it does work because I did not change my choice daily to create in order to get myself to heal with my new positive-typical attitude. About three months later, after the incident, I am finally be able to leave my bedroom door wide open and sleep restful and unconcerned. However, I must admit that I have a little challenge to deal with is that I prefer the doors with no windows, though, Neverthless, I feel content, peaceful and secure. In fact, I never or did not seek an emotional support from my family and/or my friends. Why not? Well, you see, it is because I know that I have my own inner strength/faith myself and my/our Beloved Mighty I AM Presence or God. They are a part of me that I have become now. In the matter of fact, if it IS not for the negative psychic hallunication/ garbage and energy or force powerful experience which I am currently still dealing with, (by the way, I also experience that I lost the physical grounds due to the lightheaded when the force or energy power increased high and hign or too much power for my normal state of physical to deal with, which caused me to experience a hallunication, and especially, FEAR many times. What a TIRESOME), I would not be possible to know the true nature of the positive and LOVE power consciousness what I have become. It is a blessing in diguised.

Now, you, the four NESARA-Decision-Team US Supreme Court Judges may have the great opportunity to turn around your own fear and ignore the Illuminatis non-stop, useless threats by focusing intently to plant a new seed with your own inner-gifted powerful, positive thoughts and LOVE to build. Ask your own God-Spirit, known as Beloved Mighty I AM Presence within you to assist you. Be determine and consistent with your positive choice unchanged daily. IT WILL WORK, BELIEVE ME. Please listen to me, since I CAN and HAVE BEEN and STILL AM so therefore CAN you, too!!! Dont you all realize that its your once-a-lifetime opportunity in this lifestream to go beyond your fear zone as explained in order to do your true role as the US Supreme Court Judge yourself and give your order to the true White Knights to proceed to announce our inevitable victorious NESARA NOW. No more oft-delays. YOU ALL CAN DEFEAT THE dark-agenda ILLUMINATI. We, the American/World people, are still waiting for the NESARAs official announcement. Come and follow me and my example. YOU ALL CAN DO IT. What is your final decision?

Your Spirit Brother Christopher
