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Interview Between G.W. Bush and Putin

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his conversation between Bush and Putin.

But those in the know, who know about NESARA and our White Knights, would know. Need more confirmation of what is really going on? Even the pro Bush supporters are revealing truth...without realizing it.

Bush was urging Putin to promote Democracy in Russia since Putin wants to return Russia to what it formerly was under a Socialist government without free elections, which Putin has recently banned.

Putin's comment to this. (paraphrasing) "You don't have control of your country, President Bush. You never will have control if the military, because you have White Knights in your military. You will never have control of the Pentagon because you have White Knights in the Pentagon. You will never have control of the private sector be because you have White Knights in the private sector. The White Knights are everywhere. You will never get complete control of the United States of America."

Laura had no idea who these White Knights were that Putin was talking about.

But we know, don't we?

Laura said to the listening audience. "If anyone out there know what a White Knight is, please call me, because

this doesn't make any sense to me. Please, someone call and tell us what a White Knight is."

Either she was playing dumb or she really didn't know what a White Knight is, aor why there are so many of them in so many places.

The great thing about it is that she has a recording of this conversation and played it over the air for many to hear.

On the news now and for several days we are being inundated with news about Michael Jackson, and Martha Stewart being released from prison and being able to become CEO of her company, and she can even carry a gun legally now when she is supposed to be a convicted felon. The news is making a big deal of this.

Information about the Pope is also major news.

Michael Jackson is one of the wealthy visionaries. Martha Stewart is/ was supposedly a White Knight. The Pope

was supposed to a part of the announcement of NESARA. All this media blitz is obviously covering up something else they don't want us to find out.

