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NESARA News from the Desk of "The Unknown"

The Desk of

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ourly basis.....and to bring you REAL TIME news....

I commend each reporter for applying his/her self to the mission of carrying the news.

Most of us are not paid to provide this service.

Most of us do it to help others........


To impart all the info I have.......would be like pulling a thread on a sweater.

There would be no end to unraveling the story to you at this point as it is so deep and entwined.

Most people are not aware of allot that is going on "In Front of the Red Velvet Drapes...."and these same people

are definitely not aware of what is going on "BEHIND THOSE RED VELVET DRAPES."

Suffice it to say....there are allot of changes on the doorstep.

Changes for the better....for each and every person in this wonderful country.

There is no point in even trying to educate you all on the history from 1913 to NOW...with the Changes taking place.

There just isn't time.........


The "target date" for the F.R. going down... is STILL 09-19-2007.

This has not changed.

Pack #2 follows Pack #1.

Pack # 1 MUST come first.

Cast in stone.

Since Pack #1 didn't move.....

Pack #2 Couldn't move.

Pack #1 is from here. = The First Pack to arrive.

Pack #2 is = The Second pack represents offshore money, that will be acquired when you go to the banking center to do your business.

#1 Has Been under the control of the Characters here...that are running/ruining the show...Here.

They have been naughty little boys...and done basically what ever they wanted to do....whenever they wanted to do it!

They have buried this fine country in debt---with the FACTS making the headlines and the 6 PM News.

FINALLY!! Some of the stuff from In front of the drapes....and a tiny bit of what has been behind the drapes is coming out.

The banking system is shot.

The currency is shot.

The operating system is shot

The Derivatives books are shot

The mortgage lending business is shot.

The real-estate market is shot.

The economic / financial condition of the country is shot.

I deal with it daily in business....with HUNDREDS of people...on a weekly basis...All with the same complaints.

The people are living from paycheck to paycheck...if they are lucky!!!

There are people not eating tonight....or not taking their medications tonight...because they can't.


The fellas here just "Didn't understand the critical aspects" of this enterprise.

They wouldn't admit there was a HUGE problem


With Admittance...comes Accusations and Guilt...

Something that they want to avoid at all costs...or so it seemed.

They have tried keep this information "Under wraps".

The ramifications from this information is far reaching.

The fellas here just wouldn't "fess up".

Well.....There other "Fellas" in this game.

Very powerful...very influential folks......

And they are not happy with the fellas here....or their breaking the rules of the game.

The other folks are now HERE...on this soil.

They are here to "make a difference."

They are here to clean up the mess.

They are appalled at the conditions in our banking system.

They are disappointed in the management of this system

This is the last and final trip to "Clean up the mess."

Keep in mind the deadline: 09-19-07...for the demise of one system and the birth of the new system.


In an attempt to clear up some confusion regarding the 'new' banks.

They are in place.

They are ready.

The decision is yours as to where to go.

Get PROFESSIONAL advice...after you initial banking appointment.

We all have our own opinions...and our own plans.

You should develop YOUR PLAN...based on YOUR DESIRES and NEEDS.


With consideration to those folks that are here....doing the clean up....

We are told that the #1 packs...may start showing up as early as THIS WEEKEND.

IF not this weekend IT IS IMMINENT.

------------>IT CAN NOT BE "STOPPED"


With that in mind.....#2 will follow....IMMEDIATELY.


Remember....we have a reason to be part of these programs.

We have a Mission to accomplish.



I hope this helped.