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Friendly Response To News Article, NESARA And Prosperity Funding

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into faith, into the reality of it now. He responded as if wounded by my words and said; I never want to give up hope. I said; OK, you can do that. I would rather have the full realization of our objective now. The other preacher understood and said; he's right. The point for the moment was lost on the first preacher maybe because he kind of got stuck in holding onto hope. I am sure he figured it out later if he ever got back to that conversation. He had said, almost pleading; I never want to give up hope. I said; you have to if you want the prize.

Hope is good. Anticipation prepares us for the main event. But if we do not progress from hope to believing we have it now, how are we ever going to realize the dream? It takes faith, not hope to bring victory. Hope becomes faith and faith becomes reality.

We always hear, faith, hope and charity. How do you suppose those three got out of order like that? Isn't the order hope, faith then charity? Or is it Charity with Hope brings Faith?

Do we have the wherewithal to give charitably until we have first hoped, then said I demand that now, I am that which I desire now commanding the power to manifest it? Actually, yes. We have infinite abundance to give from within our hearts.

Perhaps the order is not an absolute if one can go about it in any order they wish and get there. A point may be made by considering the order of the words or the use of those qualities they represent but you can come back around and say, no, charity comes first because your offering in this case is faith, is in the command. Your offering is the courage it takes to make your stand. Then comes the manifestation. So charity did come first.

OK, I can't argue with that. So what if we start with faith, revert to hope, then do the charitable thing and........................... No, in hope we begin with charity and thus create through faith bringing it forth from within.

OK then, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

I have to say we can go around this circle forever intellectually but what ever it takes to get to the point of desire where one can feel the object of the desire now, then you are at the point of creation.

As for taking the word believe apart and saying its really a lie, Well, Yeah!! Its called pretending. Fake it till you make it. Having the courage to declare your reality in the face of all outward appearances to the contrary, then holding that position until it becomes everyone's reality. That is how the world is changed to our liking.

