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Casper Update -- March 14, 2007

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ont of us, again they told him to go you know where.

Last night and today he accessed various offshore accounts to prop up the stock market, apparently the PPT( plunge protection team) is about out of bullets. Money being retrieved; offshore bankers being arrested. Paulson was supposedly arrested in London last Thursday (enroute back from China), this info from domestic plus European sources.

Can't explain why he is running free. This reminds me of the reported attempt to arrest Cheney on his airplane on the tarmac in Sydney two weeks ago as first reported by the Russian journalist, later "confirmed" by multiple "important" sources. Four dead including Cheney's personal body guard.

Another attempt made when he lands in Afganistan. Meanwhile Laura touring S. America arm in arm with Jr., has paid through the end of the year at the Mayflower and is graciously performing her first lady duties (for a price). Divorce papers ready we hear but will hold if Jr allowed to finish his term under cons't. law... Meanwhile, Sr from Houston to Sea Island, to Puerto Rico, to Panama (retrieving stolen funds). To Josua Springs, California , (retrieving burried funds) to Palm Springs (retrieving contents of safe deposit box set up by Frank Sinatra), change to larger plane owned by "Cevendo" (Lima) on to Lima, Peru, from there to Isreal, back to Houston (rodeo appearance) then back to Palm Springs for golf/fainting spell. Busy, busy boy that Bush. Meanwhile little miss flipflop, (the Q) flipped back to our side a couple weeks ago and has been here helping to get deliveries done

(Asia explained the consequences to the pound if she didn't get straight).

Meanwhile the Clintons have been packing in Little Rock the past three weeks, done now, and asked staff if they would like to leave the country with them. They said no. Oh, did I mention that Jr. and Condi also have a plane all packed up and ready to go if it becomes necessary?? Bizzarre you say?? He's crazy you say?? Friends, I’m just hitting the high spots.

The World Court has issued 120 indictments against D.C. politicians. Justice (Gonzales) and the Supreme Court (John Roberts) are opposing the arrest warrants.

Will they be served? I don't know. How much of the above information is true?? I don’t know. I will just tell you that the information comes from sources all over the world and is often "eyes on".

What’s next? Deliveries tomorrow, the 15th, I think. other programs by Friday. More stuff next week. Dotson funded yesterday, can't access in front of us. Test pack folks in bank 13 of last 14 business days (no access yet- us first).

Announcements and "fireworks" to follow deliveries.

Good luck, good life, god bless,

Casper 3-14-07